The transition to remote work earlier this year was an all-or-nothing deal — while entire cities and countries around the world entered emergency lockdowns, doing any work at all meant working from home. Now as economies reboot, every business from the SME to global enterprise is feeling its way through policymaking and planning, and trying to define what the ‘new normal’ is going to look like for them. 

While their workforce may have got comfortable with the technology and rhythms of remote collaboration, the fact remains that for a lot of people, some combination of their lifestyle, character, and accommodation is simply not optimal for long-term working from home. For others, their own health, risk profile, logistics and preferences make returning to their former office an equally unattractive option, and they’re glad to see support for long-term remote working moving higher up the corporate agenda.

A balanced and blended future

Inevitably it’s becoming increasingly apparent that a blended, hybrid approach is going to be required, for success in an uncertain future — not least as still other people will need to come in to the office or travel from time to time, and therefore need portable communications solutions. When levels of anxiety and comfort are impacted by external circumstances, employers will want to enhance both productivity and culture by ensuring their teams are supported with the right technology to work frictionlessly, whatever their role demands — so that mandates the provision of communications equipment which is safe and comfortable to use both on the move and for long periods, depending on the demands of their working day. 

For those colleagues whose work has been impacted by childcare and home-schooling responsibilities, they’re facing additional complications and unique demands, for communications solutions which are effective and responsive in noisy or distracting circumstances. Noise cancellation may be as important as quality sound delivery, for those whose blended back to work also blends in a range of different responsibilities.

EPOS empowers businesses and professionals around the world to better communicate and collaborate – anytime, anywhere and on any device. Crafted with advanced engineering and pioneering technologies, EPOS offers premium and uncompromising audio and video connectivity that is reliable, easy-to-use and designed for ultimate comfort, ensuring every user and every business seamlessly can unleash their full potential.

Providing high-end integrated devices on a subscription basis supports teams’ autonomy to work where and how suits them best, while also simplifying updates, troubleshooting, support and security, across multiple markets, and whatever UC platform the organisation chooses — because in the final event, the quality of audio for voice is what truly unifies, whatever people are communicating to or from. EPOS’ equipment is designed for long term professional use, and to be configured by the end-user to suit their unique environment and style of work.

The sound of success

When you get the audio right, it doesn’t matter whether your colleagues are in the same room or a different city — not only is your communication unambiguous and flawless, your presence becomes objectively real and immediate. The technology being used to mediate the communication almost disappears from the encounter, so direct is the experience.

EPOS’ years of experience in high-quality audio product engineering delivers the clarity of connection that your team can depend upon, whatever the blended back to work looks like for you. And this is what will truly unify your communications experience in the new normality.



from UC Today