Wildix Overcoming Webinar Weariness with Wizywebinar

While an established marketing tool for some years, webinars have seen a surge in popularity during COVID-19, with in-person presentations currently off the table, 46.5 percent of businesses increased their webinar hosting during the pandemic, with 28.3 percent noting a significant increase. 

It’s not surprising that users are tiring of virtual meetings and presentations, with many feeling bored and burned out after more than 12 months of video calls. This also makes it much more difficult for salespeople to effectively target potential customers. 

And with webinars becoming so commonplace, there is now an overwhelming selection of platforms and add-ons to choose from. In this challenging environment, Wildix believes it is important that channel partners can offer their customers something that makes them stand out from the crowd. 

The cloud-based UC vendor points to its Wizywebinar the first automated movie studio for webinars, which it says eliminates the hassle and complexity of using different platforms for different applications. A fully integrated, WebRTC-based platform, Wizywebinar supports all webinar functions such as registration page and speaker’s workspace, but customers don’t then have to switch to different products for online calls and collaboration. 

“It’s all in a single pane of glass and you don’t have to leave the solution for anything,” said Ian Rowan, Senior Channel Manager at Wildix UK. “For the channel it means that their customers don’t need to go out and start looking for additional products for a particular element of communication to supplement their needs. We provide all that collaboration – partners can offer them a single platform, from which they can still make revenue. 

Video conferencing room solution 

Where Wizywebinar also differs from other platforms, said Rowan, is that its software is fully integrated with Wizyconf Station, Wildix’s videoconferencing room solution. 

Everybody has room solutions for their conferences. If you look at Teams, there’s many different products and bolt-ons you can get, even Google Hangout has room solutions – but nobody has a full room solution for webinar platforms, whereas we have,” said Rowan. 

Wizywebinar can be equipped with a kit that includes studio-quality microphones to capture the voices of speakers. Two webcams are included: one is 4K Ultra HD, static, with a wide 120-degree angle, autofocus and auto-framing functions. The second camera is a PTZ which offers 12X optical zoom. Moreover, the PTZ camera is smart; it detects who is talking and moves to automatically frame the speaker. 

“Rather than having to go somewhere, we’ve got the whole solution built for you, it’s like having a full movie studio at your disposal while conducting your webinar” 

New way to engage with customers 

At a time when salespeople can struggle to effectively engage with potential customers via digital platforms, Wizywebinar is something that both customers and partners can use in lieu of face-to-face meetings, as it connects to both their communications and CRM systems, said Rowan. 

“It’s harder than ever to engage with potential customers. Cold calling at the moment is physically impossible, and nobody’s taking any calls. Our partners are using Wizywebinar as an educational piece to promote solutions and drive leads. Having something different that you can use to broadcast those messages is a really good way of reaching customers.” 



from UC Today https://ift.tt/3nAXn8j

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