How to Create a Winning Anywhere Work Strategy

2020 changed the world in many ways. The sudden arrival of a global pandemic pushed every company into a new frontier, where traditional workplaces were out, and remote employment was the new “must-have”. Though the planet is beginning to recover from the pandemic, the way we work has been altered forever.  

Many companies agree that the future of work will be defined by “hybrid” teams of both in-office employees, and anywhere workers. This leaves business leaders to answer how they can support their staff outside of the office.  

Creating a winning “Anywhere work” strategy means considering all of the challenges that remote employees might face in this new landscape and creating a plan to overcome them. 

Anywhere Work: People Come First 

According to Forrester’s report, the most important feature of a strategy for “Anywhere work” is making sure you put your people first. The whole concept of this new working environment revolves around the idea that people can be just as creative and professional in a remote environment. Thanks to the cloud and new technology, we don’t need centralised physical spaces for collaboration. 

When “place” becomes less important in the workforce, companies can begin to focus on the things that matter – like the needs of their employees. The key to success in anywhere work will be ensuring that your staff members don’t feel like second-hand citizens because they’re not in the office. All employees should be empowered through: 

  • Technology: Technology is the foundation of anywhere work. Cloud-based tools for project management, file sharing, and collaboration keep people connected wherever they are. Companies will need to ensure that they have the right tools in place to keep the flow of information running smoothly between the office and remote employees.  
  • Communication: Hybrid employees will work best when everyone feels like they’re on the same page. Communication in the age of anywhere work will be largely digital, with a higher focus on messaging, audio conferencing, and video. In particular, video meetings will make it easier to maintain a sense of company culture in an environment where not all employees will be in the office at all times. 
  • Seamless support: For anywhere workers to thrive, they need access to all of the tools and services required for their role in one unified place. A seamless single-pane-of-glass environment for communication and work will become increasingly important. Some staff members will also need training and guidance to leverage their new technology. Company leaders will need to pay attention to their staff and respond to their needs as they arise. 

Preparing for Anywhere Work 

There are many issues that companies will need to think about as the anywhere work environment becomes more popular. Enabling a remote workforce means investing in the right technology to boost productivity, without compromising on security and compliance. Businesses will need to enable virtual collaboration while looking for ways to reduce fatigue.  

However, by putting people and their needs first, any business can build the ultimate anywhere work strategy.  



from UC Today

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