Kate Russell to Co-Host UC Awards 2021

The UC Awards application deadline is almost here, and we can’t wait to start sorting through all of your amazing submissions. This year, we’re keen to make the Awards experience better than ever, with a selection of new categories to apply for. We’ve even got some brand-new judges on-board to help us with our deliberations.  

Once again, this year, we’ll be sorting through the top companies and innovators in the UC and Collaboration landscape. We’re hunting down the brands with the best abilities to improve experience, innovate, and execute on their ideas. For 2021, we’re thrilled to announce that Kate Russell will be joining our UC Today Publisher, Rob Scott, to co-host the awards.  

Here’s your introduction to the fantastic Kate Russell.  

An Award-Winning TV Tech Journalist 

Kate Russell has graciously agreed to help us co-host our 100% digital event, which will begin at 16:00 GMT on the 29th of July 2021. As always, we’ll be bringing the awards straight to your screens, though this year we have our new dedicated site: UCAwards.com 

Kate is a dedicated reporter, author, and journalist. Kate has been writing about the internet and technology since 1995, and she’s appeared on various well-known channels, including the BBC tech programme Click. You might also recognize Kate from her writing on the National Geographic Traveller magazine. 

Kate regularly speaks at conferences, digital transformation meetings, and offers guest lectures in schools and universities. She’s playing a vital role in inspiring the next generation of tech lovers. Plus, her site, KateRussell.co.uk, has won numerous awards for the “best tech blog”. Kate has been mentioned as one of the most influential women in the tech industry according to Computer Weekly magazine for the last two years.  

If all that wasn’t impressive enough, Kate also writes fantasy and sci-fi novels, with two published novels now available! 

We hope you’ll join us in welcoming Kate to the UC Awards event this July! 



from UC Today https://ift.tt/3zikh9O

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