Keep Calm and Stay Compliant

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UC Today’s Rob Scott hosts Devin Redmond, Co-Founder & CEO and Marc Gilman, General Counsel and VP of Compliance at Theta Lake.

In this session, we discuss the benefits of getting collaboration compliance right, and also, what happens when you get it wrong!

  • Twelve months of warp-speed digital transformation for small to large enterprises, many deploying Zoom, Teams, Webex and others. Were CIO’s consistent with their compliance strategies and have they been getting it right?
  • What lessons have we learned about collaboration deployments from a governance perspective? Do the governing bodies need to re-look at the rules surrounding collaboration compliance?
  • Many companies are nervous about non-compliance. Big fines, loss in productivity and cost to change processes, what advice would you give organizations looking to implement or re-look at their collaboration compliance strategy?
  • How does Theta Lake approach collaboration compliance with its customers?

If you’re looking for more information on this topic visit Theta Lake.

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