Following its entry into the Microsoft Teams Connected Contact Center Certification Program, Mida Solutions has now completed all the interoperability tests and the solution’s integration with Teams is now certified. The Microsoft certification programme was initiated so ISVs that offer connected contact centre solutions can assure end customers that their products satisfy Microsoft’s quality and security standards. This has been particularly important because of the exponential increase in Microsoft Teams adoption which has seen the technology utilised as a collaboration and communications hub and the need to add advanced call management functions to Teams’ native functions become essential. 

The certification enables users to access Teams integrations with confidence and Mida Solutions has drawn on its long experience and in-depth capabilities in the Unified Communications market to deliver a complete yet intuitive solution that allows enterprises to integrate their contact centre with Teams. The systems enables both internal and external communications to be efficiently managed in Teams, allowing users to focus on their customers’ needs, rather than on managing the technology behind the interaction. 

Microsoft’s exclusive test lab partner, tekVizion, which specialises in enabling customers to continuously validate their collaboration solutions using its automation platform, lab infrastructure and expertise, has publicly confirmed that Mida Solutions has successfully passed this important technical test phase. For over 20 years, service providers, ISVs, platform and device vendors, as well as many other organisations have selected tekVizion as their authorised testing and certification partner. tekVizion provides the resources and tools businesses need for full functional testing and validation without compromising quality and reliability. Microsoft launched its certification programme with tekVizion to verify the interoperability between connected contact centre solutions and Teams and to enforce Microsoft’s high-quality standards. 

“We are delighted to help Mida Solutions with its interoperability certification for Microsoft Teams so it can continue providing the quality, reliability and functionality its customers expect,” said Darlene Smith, the Vice President of tekVision Labs. 

The interoperability tests Mida has just completed with tekVizion demonstrate that Mida C3 Cloud Contact Center is able to connect and integrate with Teams seamlessly from a technology perspective.  

“Our goal was to deliver not just another contact centre,” said Attilio Licciardello, a Co-Founder of Mida Solutions. “We started working on Microsoft Teams long before it became the popular collaboration platform we are all familiar with today. The connected contact centre option gives enterprises the freedom to maintain their own service provider, so the deployment is very quick and it implies a lower level of commitment for the IT department.” 

“Our contact centre helps enterprises combine internal and external communications in a single tightly knit system within Microsoft Teams, in addition, the integration with other business-critical applications like Dynamics, Salesforce and Power BI ensures no information is lost in the communications between customers and the companies’ departments”  

To learn more about the Mida Connected Contact Center for Teams and how it can boost your external communications, visit the dedicated web page here. 



from UC Today