Crestron were used to getting out on sales visits with clients regularly in the ‘before’ days. While the products they market have been instrumental in keeping the world working during the recent restrictions, Robin van Meeuwen, Executive Director EMEA Sales for Crestron Europe, is clearly a hands-on people person. And of course, customers enjoy being able to handle and inspect the technology they are investing indirectly.

The new and updated Crestron Experience Spaces offer just that opportunity — in small, Covid-safe groups, at showrooms in London, Frankfurt, Paris, Oslo, Moscow, Dubai and Johannesburg. 

An Insightful and Inspiring Experience

Delegates enjoy the experience of an intimate tour, live product demos and the first glimpse of Crestron’s latest product updates and newest commercial and residential solutions, in 45-minute sessions — all pre-booked and COVID-compliant with a local Crestron expert. It gives everyone a chance to connect in person, discuss experiences, aspirations and expectations, and plan for the future of work and the technology required.

“Our channel people are all coming to have a look, as are the consultants, end-users and everyone else who is now getting their businesses ready to go back to the office. They are all very eager to not only get out and meet in person again but also to discover the products that can make hybrid working easier for everyone.”

The informal conversations which happen around the official product demonstrations and experiences enable Crestron to take the pulse of the UC and AV decision-makers in each region, as they shape their plans for sustainable ways of working in the ‘new normality’:

“The majority of customers are going to go back to reopen their offices in September. Everybody’s gearing up their businesses now, but it doesn’t mean that we’re going to go back to normal, it’s going to be hybrid. Companies aren’t planning for everybody to come into the office full-time, they want to really manage that flow between home and office.”

Crestron: Supporting the Hybrid Environment

Tools like Crestron’s Flex range of communications devices and touch-free space management via Crestron One will enable this safe hybrid future to evolve in ways that support the kind of collaboration businesses are craving. This kind of informal feedback from users is essential for the strategic direction of product development and marketing approaches. 

But van Meeuwen further gleaned that, while people are craving face-to-face collaboration and even the occasional international expo, we won’t go back to flying across the world for one meeting or conversation — the way we do things has changed, and the technology we deploy will continue to support that.

“Travel is going to be more costly and complicated than it was, businesses won’t want to absorb that. Not when they can say, hey, the last year and a half, we managed to get by without that, so why don’t we continue working this way? So for our colleagues in America, in Asia, or wherever they are in the world, we’ll work together. But we will only get together when really, really, needed.”

The new normal is being shaped as we speak, by all these little thoughts and decisions going on in businesses around the world. But we all know that spontaneous, incidental comments which can yield such valuable insight are difficult to surface in online conversation — which makes the personal touch of Crestron Experience Spaces so valuable for the brand as well as the delegates.

For more info and booking visit Crestron



from UC Today