In any dispersed environment, staying in control and keeping track of each element is a difficult task to master. Following the pandemic and with hybrid work as an ongoing reality, many senior-level employees are left feeling like a parent watching their kids run in different directions of a playground. Their problem is how to ensure those employees are safe and staying productive without micromanaging. 

Speaking to UC Today, Vyopta Product Management Director, Nick Wiik, said IT teams have the added challenge of managing expectations amongst the workforce, as they’ll receive a different level of service than they have for the past 18 months and before the pandemic. 

“When the pandemic broke out, a lot of the businesses who preferred Zoom, WebEx, BlueJeans, amongst other providers, for meetings all of a sudden had their hand forced to take a look at the kind of core platforms like Teams to understand if it could work for them,” Wiik said. 

“But the disadvantage for the IT teams is that they’re managing more than one system. That really becomes a problem when the end user has complaints about the quality of their call in a hybrid environment. If the business is using a Cisco endpoint, a cloud video inter-op solution of another vendor and then Microsoft Teams, the average employee doesn’t know what interop is, let alone the vendor” 

Issues have scaled, support teams haven’t

That added complexity has made it difficult for IT teams to cope during the pandemic. With employees out of physical reach, troubleshooting and finding solutions becomes an arduous task even for the most basic problems. With no help in sight to manage the IT teams’ huge workload, solutions like Vyopta can provide a deeper, clearer view than traditional analytic packages. 

“If you went to a sales rep and said your quota has increased 30 times overnight, they would probably leave the job,” Wiik said. “Yet, we’ve said the same thing to UCX professionals in charge of supporting the business and their teams are staying flat.” 

Those overburdened teams need a difference maker to keep from getting buried under tickets for quality issues that, in the end, get chalked up to external factors – poor home equipment or a bad broadband connection – that are outside their control. 

“Without more personnel, IT teams need an added level of information to cut through the noise to quickly find what the issue is, but also, deal with the fact that 90 percent of issues are unreported. IT professionals need to know when they get a complaint whether it is just a squeaky wheel that they can address, or if the problem is representative of a wave of people who are having issues who just aren’t complaining and are less productive about their day.” 

More than one department

Businesses are also finding new uses for the data outside of IT teams’ troubleshooting problems. Wiik added that more employees from different departments are using Vyopta to ensure that the business is running as efficiently as possible. 

“One thing that we are starting to see on that analytical side of the coin is that there are different personas coming to use the Vyopta tool to try to get to some of this data. So, some usage which is outside of the day-to-day, ‘I’ve had a bad call,’ type is in commercial real estate and HR, for example, who set policies to enable employee productivity and they want to see if they are working and if anybody is following it,” Wiik said. 

With business intelligence having more importance than ever, and with the C-suite and HR teams wanting to know as much as possible about productivity metrics, IT teams and senior architects need a way to capture the most relevant picture possible. 

With insights into specific data like location-based usage patterns, Vyopta makes it possible to understand the state of the organisation and make the most out of the hybrid work reality. 



from UC Today