Operator Connect provides a relatively simple way for businesses to connect voice into Microsoft Teams, while potentially staying with their existing provider. 

However, there could still be a degree of complexity for businesses with disparate systems and legacy devices. 

Companies in industries across the board are open to adopting a modern, cloud-first strategy, but are also still reliant on devices such as fax machines, PA systems, DECT phones and door entry systems. 

Many are asking whether they can bring these older devices into the same cloud environment as Operator Connect – the answer is, yes. 

Solutions like Pure IP’s SIP Connect bring analogue devices to the cloud, give businesses a centralised management platform, and improve the visibility of devices. 

Ian Guest, Marketing Director at Pure IP, told UC Today that the question of trying to connect analogue devices to Operator Connect is one being frequently asked by interested businesses at the moment. 

While SIP Connect initially launched with SIP voice solutions and Direct Routing in mind, he confirmed that it is compatible with Operator Connect as well. Guest said that SIP Connect is particularly useful during the journey to Microsoft Teams, using either connectivity option.  

“In many cases, analogue and legacy infrastructure can represent a significant investment that hasn’t reached its end of life yet and is still absolutely vital for many businesses. However, there is not an automatic way to keep them connected once you have moved to the cloud.” 

“SIP Connect is the answer because it can make devices SIP endpoints and bring them into a consolidated environment.” 

SIP Connect works by creating a single SIP endpoint in Pure IP’s network, which can be connected to SIP-registered devices. This lets analogue devices behave like any other SIP device. 

The service is available as an add-on to Pure IP’s fully managed voice solutions, which combine the coverage of its global voice network with 24/7 support and flexible managed services. 

Guest added that, as Operator Connect has launched with 12 providers, the ability to consolidate legacy devices is an important consideration for any business when making a decision on which provider to proceed with. 

If you are interested in learning more about how to bring together your on-premises devices and Operator Connect, join Pure IP in conversation with Microsoft at Commsverse online. The video is available now on-demand for free.  

Commsverse event information here.



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