Everyone’s in the cloud now, right? 

Well, not quite everyone…yet. 

But with the great ISDN and PSTN switch off looming – and post-pandemic new working practices requiring new-era computing power that’s simply unachievable on premise – it IS right that everyone’s en route. 

Indeed, for many organisations across the world, softphones are the tools that are already running everything: from handling that first incoming customer communication to executing the most complex internal and external operational processes. 

It’s the kind of digital transformation that was merely an aspiration less than 10 years ago. 

Today, it seems our whole lives now depend upon it. 

And, it’s why the businesses which support that game-changing technological advancement in efficiency must also make the move.  

After all, there’s little point nowadays in developing innovative new products if they can’t be easily procured, downloaded and deployed in just a few clicks. 

Take French-based Microsoft and Cisco app innovator telisca. 

Its growing number of resellers are encouraging their end user customers to migrate to the cloud for all the obvious reasons.  

And so telisca’s multiple, previously-on-prem solutions now form part of its new and expanding private and public cloud offering.  

“The power of the cloud means that everything-as-a-service is now available to every business on an affordable yet scalable basis and we are perfectly placed to serve that new market,” says telisca Business Development Manager Toan Nguyen. 

“For example, in many cases we are merging resellers’ customers’ on-prem Cisco telephony systems with Microsoft Teams in the cloud. 

“Another example is our latest Global Directory app being moved into the cloud, enabling organisations to centralise and synchronise their often multiple and disparate legacy internal and external directories and access them with just a few clicks.  

“We have all come to take that kind of instant simplicity for granted as a result of our daily use of smartphones. It’s no different for businesses now, so we have ensured that we are ready to support these new ways of working.”  

One huge driver of this new world order is the recent explosion in the popularity of Microsoft Teams. 

Many organisations are deploying its functionality to the max and are experiencing big increases in efficiency alongside significant costs savings: to say nothing of a vastly-improved user experience.  

But seamless transition from the old to the new can present huge challenges.   

In response, telisca has developed its clever cloud-based ‘Manager Assistant’ app which supports its Cisco users in the replication and integration of on-prem functionality.  

One of around 30 innovative apps in its reseller portfolio, it is revolutionising how organisations communicate and interact with their workforces, partners and customers.  

“Telephony is now on the laptop or the softphone,” says Nguyen. “It may even be the beginning of the end for the traditional desk phone as we know it.   

“The pandemic has of course accelerated that trend as a result of forced homeworking for millions of people, but no-one is going back. 

“The end user doesn’t care where the office is anymore. There are no physical constraints on where or how an organisation operates, nor where or how its workforce communicates with each other or with its customers.  

“That is largely thanks to cloud technology.” 

Not that the tech is enough all on its own, of course.  

Service, too, remains a key factor in any successful vendor/reseller/end user dynamic.  

“We can tailor-make an app from scratch; we can modify an existing app to meet evolving demands of a customer; and we wrap a service package around everything to ensure the experience is a good one” 

“We’re also flexible and agile enough to act swiftly. And when you add the awesome computing power of the cloud into that mix, real game-changing transformation can occur.”  


To learn more about telisca’s innovative cloud-based apps and how they can help transform your end user customer’s business, visit www.telisca.com 



from UC Today https://ift.tt/3hCLmNO