‘White Label Solutions Help You Say ‘Yes’ to Every Prospect’

The demand for unified communications and voice solutions has exploded in popularity amongst businesses over the past 18 months. But with a market that can sometimes feel dominated by a small number of big brands, such as Microsoft Teams, Cisco Webex or Gamma – how can a reseller develop a competitive edge? 

This can often lead to reseller partners of major vendors having to fight for ever-decreasing margins, causing them to feel somewhat overlooked by the end customer.  

EvolveIP’s Managing Director, Paul Harrison, compares the current situation to the vacuum cleaner. He explained that there are dozens of brands of vacuum cleaners on the market today, but the brand Hoover was so dominant that it has become synonymous with the act of vacuuming. He warned that a reseller’s value and their own brand is at risk of being overlooked by customers in the same way.  

Now, more than ever, is the time for reselling partners to put their brand out in front,” he told UC Today. 

“The danger is that solutions like Teams and Webex are dominating the market today, and soon the reselling partner – the company that is actually providing the service to the customer – is going to be overlooked. This will impact their brand and prevent them from getting the recognition that their service deserves. 

Resellers seeking to strengthen their brand in an increasingly congested market should consider Evolve IP’s White Label solution. White labelling allows reselling partners to stamp their brand on Evolve IP’s solution, allowing them to be confident in the knowledge that it is Evolve IP’s technology “under the bonnet”. 

“White labelling provides our reselling partners with the flexibility they need,” Harrison continued. 

“If you are a reselling partner and you are unhappy with your current arrangements – it’s time to evaluate what your provider is currently offering you. Choose a white label solution to enhance your services” 

Evolve IP’s White Label solution offers resellers support on a wide range of unified communications and voice solutions, such as analogue phones, door entry systems and tannoys, Wi-Fi handsets, fully meshed DECT phones, international reach, porting, new DDIs, integration to customer’s critical business applications, omni-channel call centre, call recording with Sentiment and key word search. 

Evolve IP’s White Label solution helps resellers say ‘Yes’ to more prospects as well as providing a larger percent of applications to the end customer,” Harrison stated. 

It also allows resellers to take our best-of-breed solutions – that we’ve spent years developing – and rebrand them as their own. Their customers know who they are and the great service they’re delivering, which then attracts more business. It’s then not Microsoft or Cisco seen as providing the solution – it’s the reseller or service provider. 

“If you are saying ‘No’ to your prospects because your current provider is rigid in their offering and you are not promoting your brand, it’s time to consider moving. Evolve IP’s White Label solution offers a bespoke and reliable service, that large vendors just can’t, and resellers should take advantage of this.” 

The importance of white label to the reseller is two-fold:  it gets their get their brand out there and makes the customer aware that they are a trusted advisor. 

For more information on becoming an EvolveIP partner, click here 



from UC Today https://ift.tt/3oheXR6

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