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UC Today’s Rob Scott hosts Ross Williams, Chief Product Officer at Virsae.

In this session, we discuss the impact of real-time applications like unified communications and contact centre solutions on enterprise environments, and how Virsae is using AI and machine learning to help automate service management in the hybrid workplace. IT professionals and MSPs are facing a new set of challenges managing hybrid working environments, we discuss:

  • How have enterprise IT environments changed in the past year? (what are the most common challenges are MSPs and IT pros facing right now?)
  • Is IT and service management automation a priority for enterprises and MSPs?
  • What’s the impact of video been like? (real-time apps) Were enterprises ready for video?
  • How can AI and machine learning help tackle this new set of challenges?
  • How is Virsae helping MSPs and IT pros meet the challenge and evolve their UC and Contact centre service management needs?

If you’re looking for more information on this topic visit

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from UC Today