Chatbots: How Automated FAQ Functionality Can Power Your Profitability

Q: How do you and the organisations you serve want to communicate with customers?

A: As effectively and efficiently as possible, of course.

Q: In what single area of innovation do the biggest opportunities for growth present themselves?

A: Automation, of course.

Final Q (for now): Should you and your customers be leveraging that innovation wherever you can?

A: Of course!

These are just some of the FAQs being asked in businesses large and small – and, ironically, it’s the FAQ chatbot itself which can provide the most transformational answer.

For the time-starved customer with a question, using a chatbot means there is no need to call and sit in a queue for a human operative; or be bounced between departments in search of a resolution to their issue.

For the service provider, there is no need to deploy an expensive and often-ineffective call centre function with all of the associated, resource-sapping costs which conspire against bottom-line growth.

In today’s always-on world, the automated chatbot is the 24/7 antidote to costly, often-sluggish human customer service endeavours.

And thanks to cloud technology, it’s a relatively-inexpensive addition to any organisation’s plug ‘n play unified communications toolkit.

“Who wants to wait in a phone queue for 20 minutes and then receive a pretty poor answer from a human agent who doesn’t really have the knowledge they need to respond effectively?” says Mathis Andre, Product Manager at Europe’s largest UCaaS platform provider Destiny, and original creator of its new, white-labelled chatbot solution.

“Chatbot functionality enables organisations to improve their customer engagement and general customer experience and automate 90 per cent of their efforts in the field of customer support, sales and lead generation.

“We all want instantaneous answers to our questions and that’s what makes chatbot technology so crucial in today’s modern world.”

Andre’s start-up business ‘Faqbot’ – which he founded in his bedroom four years ago aged just 17 – was acquired by Destiny earlier this year and integrated into its cloud-based interactive comms platform, giving customers simple and direct access to advanced, flexible chatbot features.

Faqbot’s small team of five have joined Destiny and Andre has stayed on as Managing Director to continue to develop the solution.

“Automation presents business with the single biggest opportunity to transform operations and increase profitability,” he says.

“It enables business to devote resource to focusing on key profit-drivers.

“Faqbot is focused fully on the user experience which means deployment is really easy and the user interface is really simple.

“It can be installed on an organisation’s Facebook page or integrated into any of its other communication channels with just one click.

“In most cases, it is able to answer 80 per cent of customer questions. Human agents answer the rest. The efficiencies are obvious.”

Sold exclusively by partners through the channel, Destiny’s Faqbot provides written answers via text-based messaging platforms and/or audio answers via phone and voice-based platforms.

End user organisations initially provide the bot with answers to between 20 and 40 of their most frequently asked questions.

New answers to new questions are added via the quick and easy raising of a ticket – continually expanding the bot’s ability to provide effective, ever-evolving responses.

It also simultaneously harvests customer feedback: enabling end user organisations to hone its offerings and its service based on real-time customer experience.

“Chatbot functionality has previously been seen as highly technical and requiring specialist deployment and support,” says Andre.

“But we have made Faqbot extremely easy to deploy AND to use.

“We provide full support to our resellers and we extend that support to our resellers’ own customers.

“We deliver onboarding workshops, set-up tutorials, deployment training and we provide regular reporting data to ensure we establish and develop good and long-lasting customer relationships.

“Once deployed, the end user organisation doesn’t need to know much about how it works. If the bot receives a question it cannot answer, the end user organisation just replies to a ticket request notification and the content is instantly enriched.

“The process can be DIY for the end user or it can benefit from some managed service support provided by the reseller.

“As a result, it presents growth opportunity for both parties”

So, Q: How can you and your customers start to capitalise on those opportunities?

A: Visit



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