As, like most industries, the healthcare sector continues to evolve to suit the new age of digital transformation, Unified Communications has become a critical investment. Like any organisation, healthcare groups need to be able to communicate and collaborate in a consistent and reliable way to thrive in such a complex, fast-paced environment.

With specialists and medical professionals now joining forces from all over the globe to tackle health crises and improve patient care, UC has greater value than ever. A handful of companies in the UCaaS sector are already demonstrating the incredible impact their technology can have on healthcare brands.

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE) is one of the better-known companies innovating specifically in the healthcare sector today. Over the last couple of years, the company has assisted countless companies in managing the stress of the pandemic, and prioritising patient care. Today we’ll be taking a deeper look at ALE’s interaction with the Cantabrian Health Service.

ALE’s Approach to US in Healthcare

While ALE’s technology is flexible enough to support a wide number of industries, healthcare has been a primary focus of the brand. The company believes healthcare today is evolving faster than ever. Companies need help not just managing the after-effects of the pandemic, but also continuing their quest for better healthcare in general.

ALE has seen a number of trends emerge in the healthcare sector over the recent years, as one of the few companies on the front line of this industry’s approach to digital transformation. When the opportunity emerged to deliver support for the Cantabrian health service, ALE was an obvious choice. 

The Cantabrian health service is responsible for delivering public health support in the Spanish Cantabria region. ALE’s flexible CPaaS and UCaaS technology available via Rainbow enabled the group to upgrade its communication strategy at a crucial time during the pandemic. The health service was able to leverage ALE’s technology to both improve collaboration in the workplace, and deliver next-level patient service, in the form of video conferencing consultations and appointments.

The Cantabrian Health Case Study

The Cantabrian Health Service, part of the Spanish National Health System, is responsible for the rehabilitative and preventative care of around 580,000 inhabitants in Cantabria. In preparation for the global health crisis in 2020, the Cantabrian Health Service began investigating how technology might help to maintain patient care and improve the overall performance of health teams.

The Cantabrian Health Service wanted to ensure they could continue to deliver amazing care to their patients even during the global pandemic. To do this, the group believed they needed to invest in the ability to host immediate consultations from a distance to all patients. The tech solution needed to be immediately deployed, meaning it had to be cloud-based. It also needed to be reliable, secure, and easy to use. 

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise already had a strong reputation with the Servicio Cantabro de Salud, having helped with the provision of previous network infrastructure and communications tools. Developing a proof-of-concept strategy, ALE was able to highlight how the Rainbow system for CPaaS and UCaaS technology would be able to enable the deployment of a powerful solution for the health team.

The system, which complies with data security requirements, and enables communication services on a massive scale to suit the entire workplace, provides the exact support the Cantabrian Health Service needs. There’s comprehensive network administration support for the evolving team. What’s more, the IT team can easily access data from throughout the whole ecosystem to make better decisions about day-to-day activities. 

Implementing further technology from ALE allowed the Cantabrian Health Service to reduce operational costs and daily maintenance. Additionally, they were able to add enhance their own application with Rainbow unified communication technologies to enable consultations between patients and doctors. The comprehensive technology enables customer care, better collaboration between team members, and the improved tracking of information.

ALE’s Approach to Transforming Healthcare

Taking a step-by-step approach to digital transformation, ALE was able to introduce a range of tools for the Cantabrian Health Service team, from live video consultations to appointment booking systems, and data tracking tools. ALE even implemented chatbots to help streamlining the performance of the workforce. 

ALE’s unique approach to bringing digital transformation to the healthcare landscape involves not only the use of UCaaS and standard business communications, but flexible CPaaS technology too. Through the use of APIs and integration, it’s possible for highly regulated and complex environments like those in the healthcare industry to build the communications tacks they need. 

Even before the pandemic, ALE was offering a wide range of customized solutions to the new age of Unified Communication. According to the ALE team, groups need better communication opportunities for both patients and staff alike. Rainbow technology allows for everything from comprehensive medical record management to regular updates to ensure everyone enjoys the best possible experience. 

As healthcare providers continue to struggle with an ever-changing landscape for both collaboration and patient care, innovations in healthcare and IT technologies from providers like ALE are essential. Rainbow’s comprehensive CPaaS and UCaaS design means teams can access custom innovations and standard communication tools in the same convenient environments. 

Introducing UC to Healthcare Teams

The collaboration between Cantabrian Health Services and ALE is just one example of the many ways ALE has supported the healthcare environment over the years. Recently, the group also worked with Care Outlook, an independent home care service provider in London, to deliver collaborative and communication tools to over 800 care assistants. 

For companies in the healthcare landscape, ALE’s flexible approach to creating your own combination of communication, collaboration, data management, and customer care tools could be the easiest, and most affordable way to prepare for endless digital transformation. 

You can read more about ALE’s case studies in the healthcare landscape here. 



from UC Today