UC Case Study in Focus: Hyperloop TT and Workplace from Meta

Implementing a complete solution for Unified Communications as a Service doesn’t just mean investing in business voice solutions anymore. To thrive in today’s ever-changing hybrid and remote work landscape, companies need a UC environment built for collaboration. 

Workplace from Meta earned the attention of numerous companies across various industries in recent years, thanks to its focus on connecting the entire team. The Workplace environment promises quick and convenient communication in a social-media-style space with the field, remote, and in-office workers. 

Hyperloop TT, an innovator in the transportation sector, chose Workplace from Meta as its central solution for driving a more valuable future of communication and collaboration in the business landscape. Let’s look at how Hyperloop TT is leveraging Workplace from Meta. 

Building a New Future for Collaboration

Hyperloop TT is currently working towards an ambitious transportation project, including a 1300km per hour floating pod capable of transporting 15 million passengers per year. According to the brand, bringing ideas to life requires a deep focus on collaboration and excellent communication for more than 800 employees and contributors worldwide. 

Andrea La Mendola, the Chief Operating Officer at Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, said that in this fast-moving business, the team must collaborate and communicate as efficiently as possible. When connecting the global, distributed workforce, Hyperloop found no tool was quite as effective as Workplace. 

Previously, the company relied on Slack for its daily requirements regarding collaboration. However, the brand decided to switch tracks and look for a highly layered new workplace collaboration platform. According to Mendola, the organisation now has almost 300 different Workplace groups allowing for countless teams to communicate meaningfully across the globe. 

Hyperloop TT allowed its employees to experiment with several different collaboration tools to see which they would respond best. However, it was Workplace from Meta which encouraged the highest levels of adoption. 

The Benefits of Workplace from Meta

While there were several reasons why Hyperloop TT decided to use Workplace from Meta, one of the main factors was its convenient social-media like interface. Mendola said the team took to Workplace quickly because it was a familiar and complete solution capable of working for global teams distributed across various time zones. 

Another major factor was a keen focus on security. For a transportation company like Hyperloop TT, security is an area where mistakes aren’t an option. The confidential nature of the company’s intellectual property and agreements with governmental agencies like NASA meant the brand needed a way of keeping all kinds of data safe. 

Workplace from Meta follows and adheres to a range of security standards. Like many of the UCaaS and collaboration tools available on the market today, Meta’s offering is designed to follow industry-standard certifications like ISO 27001 and ISO 27018, SOC 2 and SOC 3. 

Workplace from Meta also allowed Hyperloop TT to share information and keep track of that information effectively over time. Posts could be created and marked as “important” to ensure every member of a team or organisation would see them. This made much sense for Hyperloop, where people worked across various time zones. 

Secure and Effective UC and Collaboration

Hyperloop TT believes Workplace from Meta was the natural choice for its transition into a more collaboration-focused workflow. The technology brings together mobile communication, workplace chat, video calls, and a more convenient all-in-one platform. Plus, for productivity and efficiency, there are various additional value-added functions, like an organisational chart for helping distributed teams find the right person to talk to at any given moment. 

Like many of the UCaaS offerings on the market today, the Meta ecosystem can integrate with other business communication and voice tools. It also has intelligent functions to enable a rapidly growing global workforce—for instance, auto-translate breaks down linguistic barriers to workplace collaboration for globally distributed teams. 

For companies looking for ways to enhance productivity similar to Hyperloop TT, Workplace from Meta also offers convenient workflow automation capabilities. Bots in the workplace allow users to define the specific automation more likely to assist with their daily working schedules. This makes a significant difference to the outcomes of a modern business and supports the flow of knowledge. 

According to Mendola, Hyperloop TT first started testing the first full-scale Hyperloop system in France. This critical step wouldn’t have been possible without access to contributions from workers on the frontline. Collaborative posts within Workplace groups have helped the company form crucial relationships during the brand’s growth. Mendola says Workplace has even helped acquire technology from groups like AWS and NASA. 

Because the data stored and shared within Workplace is held and protected according to the highest security and privacy standards, Hyperloop TT could facilitate growth without compromising on other crucial issues like compliance and security.

Creating New Workflows with UC&C

Innovative new companies like Hyperloop TT are making remarkable strides in the transportation industry. However, like any organisation, these brands can only thrive when they have access to the right tools for enabling genuinely effective communication and collaboration. Significant innovations happen when ideas can flow and knowledge can be shared between groups all over the globe.

Following the pandemic, distributed groups of professionals have become the norm. More companies will need to reply on UC&C technology as a solution for empowering teams and encouraging creativity. Solutions like Workplace from Meta enable business leaders to continue unlocking new opportunities even in a changing workforce. 

Hyperloop TT’s success with Workplace from Meta demonstrates that companies can transform their workflows and embrace new cultures. All you need to get started is the right technology. 



from UC Today https://ift.tt/4E7DrqG

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