Mida’s Jampot Collaboration Spreads Across the Globe 

Often reseller agreements are just that, country-specific deals under which a local partner sells a vendor’s product to its customer base. Sometimes, though, they become something more and the two companies recognise the value each can provide as the relationship strengthens. This has been the case with the collaboration between Mida Solutions and Jampot Technologies, a specialist in Consultancy, Product Management, Integration and worldwide support based in Mumbai, India. 

Originally, the companies worked together to sell Mida’s popular Recorder, Attendant Console and suite into the Indian market but this has swiftly expanded with Jampot becoming a partner of Mida for providing services not only in India but worldwide. This brings benefits for Jampot in India and enables Mida to provide world-class consulting and support to its global customers with 24/7 service capability anywhere in the world. 

“We’re competing with established players in the Indian market so partnering with Mida has really helped us,” says Sameer Mukund Gokhale, Director and CEO of Jampot Technologies. “We saw that we could win customers by joining hands with Mida and we share a good relationship and get excellent support from the Mida team. We’ve now extended our knowledge and team to support Mida’s solutions 24/7 and also test every new Mida release.” 

Giovanni Nieddu

Giovanni Nieddu

Giovanni Nieddu, Business Development Manager at Mida Solutions, explains how the two companies have widened their collaboration to the benefit of customers of both companies.

“The relationship between Mida and Jampot is not only limited to a manufacturer to seller relationship, it’s a full-blown relationship that goes beyond that. We’re relying on Jampot for critical capabilities like 24/7 support for our products and this is really important as we focus on security and reaching ISO27001 certification” 

Nieddu points out that a requirement of certification is that testing, coding and production need to be separated and by having full testing done by Jampot in India, this is achieved. “This is a way for us to offload research and development work which diverts us from our main focus of providing new releases,” he adds. “It’s clearly a good choice.” 

The simple first interaction of reselling Mida’s Recorder has worked well and Mida and Jampot are extending their activities accordingly. “We’re looking for Jampot to become a complete provider for all our suite of products,” explains Nieddu. “Mida is more than simply recording so we want to further our relationship to extend our coverage to enterprises and transportation. There are a lot of opportunities in the areas that Sameer and his salespeople are covering.” 

Gokhale also sees the opportunities.

“Jampot is also a provider of solutions for command and control and in areas like transportation there is a lot of interest,” he says. “This includes new airports, ports and micro-relays in cities. We see a lot of potential for Mida as a mature solutions provider and we feel confident to propose Mida solutions for projects in India” 


from UC Today https://ift.tt/xJAd0F1

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