Knowing your customer – REALLY knowing your customer – has become a seriously tricky business.

Organisations everywhere are reaping the rich rewards of omni-channel opportunities that are helping drive the communication revolution.

Voice, video, chat, email, Microsoft Teams, SMS, WhatsApp, Slack, Twitter, Facebook and the myriad other applications in play are connecting organisations with their customers like never before.

In many ways, customer engagement has never been so easy.

However, that same choice and complexity can also bring challenge.

Those multiple communication channels – if not synchronised or in some way tamed – can create a disparate, disconnected web of conversations that actually make managing the customer harder than it’s ever been.

As a result, the contact centre is no longer just for the large enterprise.

Small and medium-sized organisations are discovering they too need that level of functionality if they are to keep their customers close.

After all, in today’s multi-choice, always-on world, even the most loyal customers can quickly become transient.

For them, a poor experience of customer communication or service, and they are quickly looking elsewhere for a better one.

“The customer experience and therefore satisfaction can only be enhanced by those who know their customers,” says Stefan Walcz, Vice President Products at the leading European provider of voice-centric business communications from the cloud NFON AG, whose recently-launched Contact Centre Hub solution has the answer.

“A true omni-channel experience is essential. All of the common communication channels must be integrated into one seamless platform. That simplicity and efficiency ensures organisations are able to not only deliver that critical user experience but also leverage rich analytics capable of helping them continue to design improved processes going forward.

“The advantages are felt on both sides – organisations’ agents are empowered with new and easy ways of knowing and their managing their customers, and customers benefit from a slick and satisfying experience.

“This must be the future normal for organisations of all sizes, not just the large ones.”

All of that of course represents huge opportunity for channel resellers, many of whose end user customers crave an expert guiding hand when taking their next technological step forward.

NFON’s margin-rich Contact Centre Hub is a fully-scalable, state-of-the-art omni-channel cloud contact centre suitable for businesses of all sizes, SME to Enterprise – based on the technology of its strategic partner Daktela.

It connects all common communication channels in one place, allowing users to quickly access current customer history and deliver that all-important enhanced service.

It offers target group-specific professional contact centre functions and is backed by customer support from local language experts in all respective geographical markets.

It provides inbound intelligent voice telephony, outbound-dial campaigns, internal ticketing and task tracking, advanced live chatbot and voicebot functionality, and the capture and curation of complete communication history.

In addition, reporting and life tracking functions can be individualised, and via open APIs, it can be easily integrated with many other popular systems.

“Deploying Contact Centre Hub means organisations are able to run effective CRM and optimise their business development,” says Walcz. “Surely there cannot be two more important imperatives.”

NFON’s recent launch of the solution is the latest implementation its long-term growth strategy, which was sharpened at the beginning of 2021, which focuses on the expansion of Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) and Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS).

It has already launched a new and successful partner programme Ngage; Cloudya Meet & Share, a feature-rich, white-label UC platform offering simplified voice calling and easy video conferencing; and has intensified its CEE activities, including opening an office in Warsaw.

It now has over 3,000 partners in 15 European countries, seven subsidiaries and 50,000 customers.

“We are now reaching the next level in the implementation of the growth strategy with the launch of Contact Centre Hub,” says Klaus von Rottkay, Chief Executive Officer.

“We want to help guide companies into the future of business communication with the best, most intuitive communication solutions.”

To learn more about how partnering with NFON can help your AND your customers’ businesses thrive, visit the NFON website.


from UC Today