It’s easy to make a grand statement to boost reputation – far harder to prove you live by its terms.

In the commercial world, messaging and mission statements are a staple: bigging up your brand to bring in new business.

But, although it’s right that those high-level impressions count, it’s often deep-rooted values which really cut through.

Take saving the planet.

Surely no grander a cause with which to align. Surely no bigger a winner in the PR stakes.

True, of course, but real validation demands sustained commitment; even after the initial flurry of attention has abated.

Organisations standing firmly – and permanently – behind their sustainability ambitions are those for whom helping deliver a greener future really matters.

“Our planet is extremely precious and yet is under threat from greenhouse gas emissions that are avoidable if we all try hard enough,” says Stefan Eriksson, Chief Marketing Officer at global collaboration endpoints giant Konftel, which has just secured Climate Neutral status for the third year in a row.

“In an era of agile working with huge demand for conferencing and collaboration hardware, protecting the planet is just as important as connecting those who inhabit it.”

“For us, it has become a set of day-to-day behaviours that are now embedded in our ethos and in our processes. We feel good to be making such a positive contribution to the world and, to us, it feels like part of who we are.”

The inventor of the conference phone almost 35 years ago, and now with a growing global footprint, Konftel was the first organisation in the unified communications sector to become Climate Neutral certified, where all greenhouse gas emissions have been offset by credits to support various projects around the world.

As part of this year’s commitments, it will cut the use of plastic bags in its popular Konftel Cam20 and Konftel Cam50 conferencing camera products by 50%, shift from polythene bags to biodegradable equivalents where possible for cables and other small parts, look to increase renewable energy at main manufacturing facilities, and also reduce staff car commuting by 40%.

So far, it has invested in worldwide carbon off-set projects including forest conservation in Zimbabwe, water filtration in Cambodia, renewable energy in India, clean electricity in Indonesia, reducing landfill gas in the US and providing clean cookstoves in Mali.

New this year are forest management in the US, solar and wind energy in China, biomass in India and reforestation in Costa Rica.

Some of the projects Konftel supported this year

Some of the projects Konftel supported this year

But, in addition to the strategy’s altruistic aspect, it also makes commercial sense.

Shifts in consumer attitudes towards global warming are driving increased awareness of the issues and a growing demand for greener, more sustainable products.

Indeed, many organisations insist on certain minimum levels of supplier commitment to the reduction of emissions as part of any procurement process.

For channel resellers in particular, partnering with a manufacturer or provider such as Konftel, that is able to demonstrate established and long-standing green credentials, can be a potent feature of any sales pitch.

“Buying from Konftel ensures our customers and reseller partners can show they have chosen to make a conscious and positive contribution to saving the planet,” says Eriksson.

“They know they are buying from or partnering with an organisation which has no carbon footprint whatsoever; zero net emissions. Also, the technology we produce works in harmony with our climate neutral philosophy.

“More conference calling means less car and rail journeys, fewer flights, less busy offices, reduced gas and electricity consumption. The two strategies operate together. By choosing Konftel users really can conference with a clear climate conscience from the very first meeting.

“We find that our customers, our partners and our people really care about all of this. We have put it at the very heart of our business because it’s the right thing to do. Yes, the right thing from a commercial perspective, but also the right thing from an environmental and ethical perspective.”

Austin Whitman, CEO of Climate Neutral, the global non-profit organization working to eliminate carbon emissions and which grants organisations’ climate neutral status, says: “Climate Neutral Certified companies show the world that immediate action on climate change is possible and essential.

“In just three years, the growing number of Climate Neutral Certified brands has built a powerful movement that gives companies and consumers meaningful ways to act on climate, right now.

“Konftel and our other Climate Neutral Certified brands are leading the global shift to a net-zero economy by doing what all companies should be doing.”

Eriksson is proud of Konftel’s commitment to date but stresses they are in it for the long-term.

“Three years ago, when we gained our first Climate Neutral certificate, we said it was the first step on a long journey,” he says.

“Since then, we have set up whole new teams and processes to support our climate neutral goals. Every member of the Konftel family, from the Senior Leadership Team right through the organisation, is fully behind the cause and we are all proud of what we are achieving.

“We look forward to doing more ourselves AND partnering with like-minded organisations who share our ambition.”

To learn more about how Konftel can help your and your customers’ businesses grow and succeed, visit the Konftel website.


from UC Today