92% See Positive Benefits from Remote Working – Expert Market

Expert Market revealed that 92% of CEOs saw positive benefits from remote working in its 2022 effective communications report.  

The positive benefits for businesses included increased employee productivity, happiness, and mental health. There is a two per cent increase from its May 2022 investigation on the same topic.  

125 CEOs and decision-makers were polled, and the findings have been divided into subject groups, including the changing face of workplace communication, how employees and managers prefer to communicate at work, how COVID impacted remote working, and more.  

Chloe Mayo, Editor at Expert Market, shared her insights: “It’s hardly surprising that businesses are keen to keep their flexible working practices considering the improvements in employee productivity and happiness, and a better work-life balance.  

“It seems that the workplace changes brought on by the pandemic have helped businesses and employers better understand how to get the most out of their employees; essentially, by giving employees more control over where and how they work best.”  

Other key findings from the study include 94% of respondents saying they will continue working in a hybrid or remote setup. 74% of fully remote companies surveyed said they would remain remote. Slack was found to be the most popular workplace communication program based on 52% using the program.  

Statistics which show ‘Why Effective Communication Matters in the Workplace’ include 97% of workers believe that communication impacts tasks every day, and 86% of executives, employees and educators cite ineffective communication and collaboration as reasons for failure in the workplace.  

Some interesting statistics regarding employee and manager communications are that 72% of employees believe critical feedback would improve their work, and 85% are motivated by regular updates about company news. Only 50% of employees feel they know what managers expect of them.  

In a breakdown of benefits and downsides of hybrid and remote working, the report found a 66% productivity increase, a 60% better work/life balance and 54% better mental health. On the downside, there is a 6% impact on mental health, 2% tech/comms issues, 2% overworking, and 2% missing office culture.  

The most popular workplace technologies besides Slack are Trello, Zoom (470,000 paying customers), Skype (40 million daily users), and Google Meet.  

Expert Market also cited statistics from other recent surveys, such as RingCentral’s finding that 97% of employees believe communication impacts their task efficacy on a daily basis. Salesforce also revealed that 86% of employees and executives cite the lack of effective communication and collaboration as the leading causes of workplace failures.  

It was also revealed that although 333.2 billion emails are sent every year worldwide, only about a third of emails are opened (in North America). Only 38% of emails are relevant to an employee’s work, and 60.8% of employees ignore emails. Nevertheless, emails remain an excellent way to contact someone, as shown by the finding that 70% of emails are opened within 6 seconds of receipt.  

Three-fifths of companies believe phone systems are an urgent priority for investment. However, 26% of companies do not provide mobile phones for their workers. The majority of companies expect employees to use their own personal devices. 23% of employees are more satisfied as a result of mobile technology being used effectively at their company.  

Providing his conclusion on the report, Duncan Lambden, Senior Writer at Expert Market, said: “From our own research and the stats provided, the first thing that becomes clear is that many businesses aren’t good enough when it comes to communication with their employees.  

“The organizations nailing their communication are the ones succeeding, while those with poor communication techniques are typically dogged by missed deadlines, lower employee engagement, and a lack of confidence in managers.”   

“What about the future? It looks like hybrid and remote working are here to stay. From our research, the vast majority of businesses see the benefit of flexible work options for their employees and will continue implementing them.  

“And while the COVID-19 pandemic is unpredictable, we can be sure that video conference software such as Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet will remain vital for communication in the workplace and across the world.”  

Expert Market was founded in 2009, and it claims to have helped over 250,000 professionals make informed business decisions.  

The company has 60,000 readers and experts across 30 industries and publishes free daily business advice.



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