According to a report by Fortune Business Insights™ the global Internet of Things market is expected to grow by a CAGR of 26.4% over the next four years, to reach an incredible $2,465 billion in 2029. This is going to present an enormous opportunity for UC solutions providers as, where there is an IoT deployment, there will often also be a need for unified communications.  

In the IoT world, devices such as alarms, elevators, cameras, and monitoring devices need to be connected to a central point. Real-time voice and video communications and UC services such as IVR and call recording are often a necessary part of the overall solution.  

For both IoT and UC, a reliable communications platform that will provide a firm foundation for current and future developments, and enable applications to scale as market opportunities grow, is essential.  

Stay true to your core business

Of course, different use cases will require different features and capabilities. Some will need IVR functionality, others will require full voice and video calling, SBC and SIP management, or secure call recording. But few will need to have – and pay for – all of the comms capabilities that could be integrated into their application, which is often the approach taken by comms service providers.  

That’s what Jörgen Björkner and Gunnar Reinholdsen realised when they founded (IoT Communications) in 2018. “With the cloud and new modern software development techniques, the barriers to entry into markets have been lowered. A modular and ‘pick-the functionality-you-need’ approach lets solution providers choose from features and capabilities that are the best fit for their customers’ needs”, said Björkner. “We saw that there was a need to provide the same modular building-block type of approach to communications, to fit the modern paradigm of applications development.” 

“Our customers want to be good at what they are good at,” Reinholdsen told UC Today.

“Comms are not necessarily their core business. They want to focus on giving their customers the best possible experience and leave the comms to us.” 

Communications platform built for critical services

With their vast experience in the telecoms sector, Björkner and Reinholdsen identified a need for faster speedier and more cost-efficient ways to build critical voice, video and alarm communication services. They created a set of APIs and developed a set of building blocks that would enable solution providers to build the kind of solutions their customers were asking for.  

They formed to provide a modern, cost-effective and entirely scalable way to solve the telecom complexity and protocol fragmentation, with the added benefit that – whether it is for IoT, UC or anything else – you only need to use the components required to support your application.  

The core of the portfolio is’s cloud-native and serverless communications platform. This offers a number of options, including alarm services, voice and video, and call recording. The platform has been designed specifically to provide the key media services required to support IVR, Cloud PBX and other UC applications. All the key features that might be included in UC deployments are available – media playback, text-to-speech, auto attendant, voicemail, DTMF detection and prompts, recording and interactive call control. All services are charged on a per-minute, pay-as-you-go basis.  

Reaching further

Customers in various sectors of the European market have successfully made use of’s modern building-blocks approach to integrate communications functions into their services. Some are making use of only one or two components – others are building complete UC or call centre platforms.  

The company is now reaching out to the global market and, by offering an attractive API fit, making it easier to build and integrate unified comms functionality into new and existing services, lowering the barriers of entry and enabling solutions providers to move into new markets faster.  



from UC Today