Data is one of the most important tools any business can access. The more data we collect, the more informed our decisions become, powering the way for better performance, service, and outcomes.

Calls and conversations with clients represent one of the most valuable data types among many companies. Every conversation you have with a user is brimming with hidden value. These discussions not only provide insights into service trends and customer needs. They can also tell you more about the sentiment, expectations, and intent of your audience.

Unfortunately, translating raw data from customer calls into meaningful insights isn’t always easy. For businesses using Microsoft Teams to manage internal and external calls, in-built call recording features aren’t sufficient for secure data analytics.

That’s where solutions like ASC Recording Insights step in.

Here’s everything you need to know about ASC Recording Insights, and what it can do for your Microsoft Teams-focused business.

What is ASC Recording Insights?

ASC Recording was one of the first solutions to emerge on Microsoft Teams and the AppSource website as a compliant call recording service. The native recording capabilities within Teams don’t extend to PSTN calls, and offer limited support for industry regulations.

That’s why Microsoft created it’s “Certified Call Recording” program, to allow external vendors to offer solutions built natively into the Teams experience. The ASC Recording Insights service is an updated version of ASC’s call recording technology designed to extract greater value from every conversation in your Teams instance.

The service works by allowing business leaders to analyse all communications within Teams, ensuring seamless compliance with regulators, while collecting valuable data. The system ensures Teams users can leverage a central platform for end-to-end communications, without compromising on legally compliant recording.

Produced by ASC Technologies, the add-on application transcribes all audio conversations using Speech Services from Azure Cognitive Services. These tools empower companies to protect themselves against business risks and liability claims, while tapping into the values of NLP services for automatic categorization, language translation and emotion detection.

ASC Recording Insights Review: Features

Built specifically for the Microsoft Teams ecosystem, ASC Recording Insights provides a fully compliant recording service for the entire Teams ecosystem. The technology facilitates automated management for documents, emotion detection, and compliant recording, attuned to the regulations of MiFID II and Dodd-Frank.

For companies in industries with high regulatory demands, ASC Recording Insights encrypts all data at a tenant level, and allows teams to archive their recordings in selectable Azure regions. This means you can isolate your data footprint by region. Communication content can then be tagged, categorized, extracted, and analysed, even without human review.

According to Dr. Gerald Kromer, the CEO at ASC, the solution brings the potential of modern AI to the Teams ecosystem, so businesses can understand and analyse data proactively. Features include:

  • MiFID II and Dodd-Frank turnkey compliance
  • Recording for chats, meetings, video calls and content sharing
  • Microsoft Azure storage in selectable geographical regions
  • Quick one-click app deployment native to Teams
  • User-matching via the Azure Active Directory
  • Azure Cognitive Services insights for sentiment and emotion
  • Transcription and translation within Teams
  • Categorisation, tagging, and analysis of recordings

ASC Recording Insights Review: Benefits

ASC Technologies built its Recording Insights technology for Teams to empower companies to accomplish more when leveraging Teams as a central hub for communications. With this technology, employees in regulated industries can meet with both colleagues and customers without having to worry about setting up separate third-party recording tools.

The solution leverages the latest features of AI and encryption to deliver the best possible security and insights for business leaders. Major benefits include:

  • Omnichannel recording: Users can collect compliant recordings throughout all of the communications within Teams. The solution even natively transcribes calls using built-in AI solutions, to make content more searchable within the data network. Once a recording has been transcribed, it can be archived and categorised according to business needs.
  • Exceptional analysis: Natural Language Processing technology within ASC Recording Insights allows companies to capture additional value from conversations. It’s possible to detect emotions and sentiment within a call, as well as tracking specific repeated terms and keywords. The result is a simpler way to get behind the scenes of customer interactions, and leverage useful information for business decisions.
  • Compliant control: ASC Recording Insights allows users to store the information collected from call recordings according to their specific needs. Data can be encrypted at the tenant level and archived in selectable regions, allowing organizations to isolate data according to specific geographical boundaries. There’s even support for user matching in the Azure Active Directory for better auditing capabilities.
  • Next level encryption: Users can implement exclusive encryption keys to administrators, and enable key rotation at pre-defined intervals, to ensure content remains as secure as possible. The compliance standards implemented by ASC Technologies ensure businesses remain compliant with high-level directives like Dodd-Frank and Mi-FID II without having to leverage external third-party applications.
  • Simple functionality: Whereas alternative compliant call recording solutions would require teams to use additional technology on top of their Teams instance, this service integrates directly into Teams. The solution provides users with the tools they need to manage complex regulatory recording, archiving, and analytics requirements with a single click within Teams.

ASC Recording Insights Review: Verdict

Many organisations throughout the world today have a legal obligation to record and archive communications within their business landscapes. However, for those using Microsoft Teams as the central hub for conversations, this hasn’t always been a simple process. The native integration available from ASC Technologies provides everything teams need in one simple environment.

The compliant solution is available in the form of Smart Voice Recording and Compliance Voice recording, so teams can access different levels of omnichannel service depending on their use case. What’s more, the solution is frequently updated to suit the expanding and evolving needs of businesses spending more time in their Teams ecosystem.



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