Bicom Systems has revealed its plans to unify hybrid working via a new offering that will bring together internal and external communications.  

Katherine Lloyd, Head of Sales and Marketing at Bicom Systems, spoke to UC Today about the company’s innovative plans as businesses grapple with dispersed workforces.  

“Work has really shifted,” she said. “We’re seeing some of the benefits of hybrid environments, but we’re seeing some of the drawbacks as well.  

“What we’re looking to do is really adapt and fine-tune our features and offerings.  

“We are looking to provide a new offering that will allow for an even more unified experience. What we want is for people to feel they’re able to communicate with people outside of their organization as well, in a very quick manner.  

“What we want to do is move into a more globalized approach that builds on what we are currently doing.  

Bicom Systems was founded in 2003 with a focus on two-way business-integrated communications. The company has evolved over its nearly-20-year existence to now specialize in unified communications applications.  

gloCOM, for example, has voice, video, and messaging features, as well as capabilities around fax, file sharing, and CRM.   

gloCOM Meeting is a video conferencing solution released at the height of the pandemic.  

On the backend, PBXware has a full suite of class 5 features built into licenses that channel partners can split across their own customers.  

A key feature Lloyd highlighted with PBXware is true multitenancy, a single interface that can be used to manage different customers while giving them the experience of having separate PBXs.  

PBXware is also available in a contact center version.  

Alongside PBXware is SERVERware, a virtualization platform designed specifically for hosting telephony and unified communications platforms in the cloud.  

Bicom Systems is a 100-percent channel-focused organization that empowers partners to be successful across various verticals. Its products can scale up from SMBs to larger enterprises, as well as to public sector institutions.  

Partners include internet service providers and managed service providers, as well as VoIP entrepreneurs and traditional resellers.  

“Our goal is to support partners in whatever it is they need to attract more of the market,” Lloyd said.  

“We have a product board that lets partners put up information about what may be lacking in a particular vertical.  

“Our partners are on the ground, so it gives us a much quicker turnaround time.”  

You can view UC Today’s full interview with Katherine Lloyd, Head of Sales and Marketing at Bicom Systems, here.  

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