Toku for Salesforce brings Contact Centre Functionality into the CRM 

The role of the contact center is becoming more crucial by the day, making an integration between an organization’s communications channels and its CRM a must. This type of integration streamlines agents’ workflow and increases their productivity, which in turn empowers them to provide better customer experience. 

To enable their customers a smooth integrated experience with one of the biggest CRM platforms out there, Toku recently launched their new Salesforce CTI as part of their existing contact center solution. The new Computer Telephony Integration supports both Salesforce Lightning and Salesforce Classic, the two versions used by the majority of customers.  

I sat down with Toku‘s Head of Product, Girish Dharmaraj, to take a deeper dive into the Toku for Salesforce CTI. 

The Benefits for the Contact Centre

Ultimately, a CTI is meant to integrate the business’s CRM and contact center in order to empower agents to do their job optimally. According to Girish Dharmaraj, there are three main aspects that need to be addressed by a solid CTI.  

1. Centralizing agent workflow   

Perhaps the most critical benefit in using a CTI is allowing agents to handle all their calls within the CRM without constantly switching between multiple screens. Toku for Salesforce addresses this aspect with their click-to-call functionality. 

“So, this click-to-call capability is slightly different from our browser functionality of the same name,” Girish Dharmaraj explains.  

“By using the Salesforce CTI widget, an agent can simply click on any number stored in the CRM to make an outbound call. This is by far one of the most productivity-inducing features the Toku for Salesforce CTI offers.” 

2. Automated data extraction 

A CTI should also help the contact center use the huge amounts of data coming from the CRM in an intelligent way. This can be done by automatically extracting it from the CRM and making it easily accessible to agents. 

“We do this using what Salesforce refers to as ‘insight cards’ – automatically pulling data from Salesforce, whether it’s contact information, recent tasks or issues created for a particular contact or call, etc.,” Girish Dharmaraj says.   

For agents, this effectively means they don’t need to collect this information manually, which enables them to focus their attention on the customer’s need.  

3. The omni-channel aspect  

Last but not least, Girish Dharmaraj notes, the CTI should allow seamless synchronization with the CRM’s inbuilt omni-channel capabilities.  

“Salesforce allows agents to switch between different modules from within the CRM environment. For example, setting themselves to be available for receiving calls, available to chat, on a call, etc.,” he says. 

“For supervisors, it’s critical to be able to see an agent’s status, whether they changed it through the CTI or directly from Salesforce. Toku for Salesforce makes sure everything Is reflected uniformly, allowing managers to see it on the Salesforce dashboard.” 

The Experience: Intuitive, Efficient, Secure

Other than the three key benefits mentioned above, Toku for Salesforce has a few other advantages that users will be interested in.  

  • Cases – Whenever an outbound or inbound call is made, the Toku CTI automatically creates a task or a case, which holds all the critical information about the customer, ridding agents of tiring manual searches. 
  • Call recording and speech transcribe – the CTI allows to access call recordings from within Salesforce by simply clicking a particular case. Additionally, the speech transcribe feature allows to easily and quickly search for keywords within a conversation. This can be super-efficient in a case of dispute, for example. 
  • Security – Having been successfully submitted into the Salesforce marketplace effectively means the Toku CTI has gone through multiple end-to-end security tests to make sure it meets the platform’s harsh security standards. This means that customers can rest assured their sensitive data is well protected. 

What’s Next?

As there’s a big demand from on-the-go sales reps and agents to use the CTI with the Salesforce Mobile App, Toku is currently working on a mobile version. 

“We’re working on integrating a mobile dialer within Salesforce to bring the entire CTI experience into the mobile phone to allow agents to keep up with customers from anywhere,” Girish Dharmaraj shares.  

“This feature is currently in the development stage and should hopefully be out the by end of Q3 this year.” 

Learn more about Toku for Salesforce here. 



from UC Today

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