Top 5 Use Cases for UC in Professional Services for 2022 

In almost every industry, the demand for more aligned technology, tools and communication platforms is increasing. As every business knows, staying ahead of the competition in 2022 and beyond means delivering a higher quality of service and better customer experiences than the rest. 

The only way to do this is to keep your team members empowered and informed with the correct technology available wherever they are. Unified Communications platforms are one of the primary tools paving the way for a new generation of more efficient, productive companies. 

For Professional Services brands dealing with challenges like increasing project complexity, higher customer expectations, and greater demands on resource allocation, UC is a must-have investment. 

Here are some of the top use cases for UC in the professional services sector.

  1. Access to a Wider Range of Global Specialists

One of the biggest challenges faced by B2B companies in the professional services sector is finding and onboarding the correct talent to handle an increasingly large number of complex projects. In virtually every sector, from specialist consulting to accounting, skill shortages leave businesses with significant talent gaps. UC could be part of the solution. 

With Unified Communications, companies can open the door to a more versatile and global network of talented professionals. Taking UC into the cloud with UCaaS means professional services brands can align their employees wherever they are in the world and give them access to the same series of powerful cloud-based tools. 

As the hiring of remote and global staff members becomes increasingly popular, Unified Communications tools will ensure business leaders can keep their staff on the same page, wherever they are. The same technology will also give more freedom to every employee, allowing them to work remotely with the same level of productivity or efficiency they might have in the office.

  1. Achieve Cost Savings Via Cloud Migration

In any B2B company, there will always be a strong focus on improving cash flow and keeping operating costs as low as possible. UC could provide a way for professional services businesses to achieve more significant cost savings and manage their budget more effectively. 

With UC technology, there are fewer bills and subscriptions to worry about than if a business was to purchase all of its communication tools separately. Cloud-based UCaaS solutions also minimise the need for on-premises technology installation and maintenance. What’s more, the adoption of hybrid and remote working practices reduces everyday overheads for professional services businesses. 

By allowing companies to enable collaboration between workforces in the cloud and serve customers through video conferencing and remote communication, UC solutions can keep operating costs to a minimum. These tools also provide a clear view of how certain tools and resources are used in the business to allow for better resource allocation and efficiency. 

  1. Improve Team Productivity

To deliver the best possible services to B2B brands, professional services companies need to empower and engage their teams. Unified Communications tools can assist with this in several ways. Most of today’s UC tools have collaboration features to help team members share information and communicate consistently on a shared platform. This ensures staff can continue to work effectively together, no matter where employees might be located. 

At the same time, UC reduces the number of distributed tools and applications professional services companies needs to jump between in the average day. Many solutions come with flexible ecosystems and integrations which allow you to align more of the tools your teams use in the same pane of glass. According to studies, the average UC system can lead to a 52% boost in productivity levels for businesses and a 42% increase in efficiency. 

With the right UC environment, professional services teams will be able to share and access valuable information for serving clients, track down solutions to problems and collaborate with colleagues. Many modern tools also come with disruptive features to augment and enhance the workforce, like AI bots, self-service tools, and virtual assistants. 

  1. Drive Better Customer Experiences

For any professional services business, perhaps the most significant challenge to overcome in the years ahead will involve finding, onboarding, and retaining long-term clients. Professional services brands are reliant on their ability to deliver phenomenal, memorable service to customers to ensure clients continue to leverage their support and help the business grow through testimonials. 

With increased competition in the Professional Services landscape, and many businesses struggling with low budgets in a post-pandemic economy, delivering amazing service will be more important than ever. Unified Communications solutions pave the way for a stronger customer experience by empowering professional services teams. 

Within an aligned UC environment, employees can access more of the information they need to quickly deliver personalised and contextual experiences to their customers. Some UC tools will even integrate with tools which support companies in onboarding new customers, and initiating customer success strategies post-purchase, improving the chances of long-term customer loyalty. 

Many of these solutions can also provide insights into things like CSAT and NPS scores by allowing companies to collect reviews from clients and even analyse customer sentiment. 

  1. Unlock Opportunities for Growth

Synchronising more of the communication tools teams use every day in a single environment doesn’t just lead to better productivity levels. It also means it’s easier to get a clearer view of the processes and operations happening within any team. The analytical capabilities built into modern UC systems, combined with AI solutions for spotting patterns and trends, can pave the way for rapid growth.

With UC solutions, companies in the professional services landscape can pinpoint areas where their employees might be struggling with efficiency and customer retention. They can track different elements of the customer journey and even align their UCaaS system with their CCaaS and CRM tools for more in-depth insights. Many UC offerings also come with automation capabilities, so companies can build efficient workflows to scale business operations. 

As an added bonus, the natural flexibility of the UC environment means professional services companies can access new technology and scale their operations according to their needs. UC gives brands the freedom to grow with their customer base. 



from UC Today

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