How easy or difficult do organisations make it for their customers to do business with them? 

Surely this is the single biggest differentiator, particularly when your vertical sector is crowded and super-competitive. 

Technology, of course, constantly proves it has the power to make a positive impact. 

The explosion in video conferencing – now ubiquitous in the workplace and spreading in popularity among consumers – has already transformed the way in which many organisations communicate, both internally and externally. 

That, together with our inexorable expectation for the smartphone or tablet to pretty much put everything on a plate for us wherever and whenever we want it, is helping many of the more forward-thinking enterprises to completely reimagine their customer journey. 

For those organisations and the Managed Service Providers and System Integrators that support them, it means the opportunities to enhance that oh-so-critical user experience are huge. 

But, as always – for both of those groups – picking the right vendor partner will be key. 

“How do you make your product or service more accessible? How do you enable your potential customer to understand your offering more fully? Video has the answers,” says Arne Bassez, Vice President of Business Management at global video communications provider Pexip, whose ‘Pexip Engage’ platform is already make a big splash in the financial services sector. 

“In 90% of cases, a customer’s buying journey starts online. That means enterprises must make an immediate impact or risk that potential new customer moving on to the next provider in their search results. 

“Next, if that potential customer is interested in a product or service, the enterprise must act fast to turn that interest into a meaningful opportunity. 

“Our solution has the capability for financial services providers to engage the customer through the delivery of high-quality content and schedule a meeting, either physical or virtual, with a consultant or agent, all in under 10 seconds. 

“It creates a bridge between a service provider’s website and its customer portal; effectively merging the space where the customer lives with the space where the sales agent lives.” 

The simplest example is the mortgage provider.  

Potential new customers shop around, often during the evening or at weekends and from the comfort of their sofa. 

They visit a website they like the look of; it features a mortgage calculator which works out affordability; they book an appointment at a branch.  

But layer on extra, feature-rich functionality and the interaction can deliver all kinds of added good stuff which can really differentiate. 

A brilliant welcome, super-engaging product explainers, personalised financial profiles, key associated data, customer testimonials, user-specific preferences, appointment scheduling, next-step guides, appointment reminders, private messaging – all delivered via an impactful mix of written word, still imagery, audio and video. 

“It’s about contextualising the entire experience, end-to-end,” says Bassez. 

“Capturing the right potential customer information at the beginning of the interaction and then matching that customer with the right kind of content in a way that will resonate with them; delivered via the communication channel of their choosing. 

“Then, throughout the sales process, being able to continue communicating securely and in a way which continues to drive customer confidence and satisfaction. 

“It all results in a high-quality experience, not just for the customer but also for the agent.” 

At the point the sales process requires a one-to-one human interaction – either in-person or via high-quality Pexip video conference – the platform creates a calendar invite to a ‘single-click-and-you’re-in’ meeting at which additional customer-specific information, calculations and documents can be shared and contracts reviewed and signed. 

The plug-in solution is easy to install and configure, requires no expert IT knowledge and integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams.         

 And – brilliantly for Value Added Resellers, MSPs and System Integrators – it is fully customisable; enabling end user organisations to align its look and feel with their existing brand identity. 

“We are getting amazing feedback from our financial services customers, but the premise and the functionality applies to virtually every vertical sector too,” says Bassez. 

“Customers want to engage in increasingly sophisticated ways and the enterprises that respond best will be rewarded. 

“Bridge the gap between public-facing website and customer portal, and enterprises really can create a powerful, efficient and productive new way of doing business.”  

To learn more about how Pexip Engage can help your and your customers’ businesses innovate and thrive, visit 






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