Manufacturing Case Study in Focus: Avaya and Jindal SAW 

In a fast-paced and sometimes risky environment like manufacturing, few things are more important than good communication. Business leaders need to ensure every member of their workforce is connected to the same flow of information, support, and guidance.  

Unfortunately, like many organisations, businesses in the manufacturing sector can often be held back by legacy communication investments which fail to keep up with changing demands. Jindal SAW, one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of steel and iron products, experienced first-hand how detrimental the wrong comms investment could be to their team.  

The company, with manufacturing facilities located across the UAE, USA, and Europe, was struggling to keep up with demands and expectations in a digitally transforming world. Restricted by the complexity of an old-fashioned communication system, the organisation eventually turned to the experts at Avaya to help them evolve.  

Here’s how Avaya helped Jindal SAW prepare for the future. 

The Problems of a Legacy Communication System 

Jindal SAW serves a host of clients across the globe, from engineering firms and government groups to oil and gas companies. These organisations rely on Jindal SAW to deliver exceptional solutions for water management, power supply, and oil/gas exploration.  

To serve customers on a global scale, Jindal SAW has global teams dotted throughout time zones all over the globe. Unfortunately, those teams haven’t always had access to the right technology to facilitate fast-paced and convenient collaboration.  

In the past, Jindal SAW’s complex and inflexible technology presented a number of key challenges to the business. First, employees were often glued to their desk by analogue systems unable to deliver any flexibility or freedom. This often meant when team members had to leave their seats, they would often miss important calls and conversations.  

To make matters worse, the user experience offered by the legacy system left a lot to be desired. Sound quality was rarely at the best standards, and many team members suffered with consistent lag. In some cases, customers even ended up abandoning calls entirely. 

The original analogue solution was also extremely expensive to scale, operate, and maintain. The issues facing the business prompted Jindal SAW to invest in a new MPLS system, but integrating this into the legacy technology proved to be quite the challenge. 

Paving the Way for Seamless Communications 

Like many companies in previous years, Jindal SAW originally managed most of its communications through email and phone calls. The restrictions of the legacy technology meant employees outside of the office couldn’t keep up with phone calls or emails. However, they were also unable to easily connect with other employees for collaborative purposes.  

Turning to Avaya for help allowed Jindal SAW to unlock a new level of mobility and agility within the team communication strategy. According to Avaya’s Solution Engineering expert, Nitin Khare, the company needed a modern solution capable of integrating with existing infrastructure.  

Avaya worked closely with the internal Jindal SAW teams to examine and audit the existing communication landscape before building a proof-of-concept and introducing new opportunities. Avaya was also responsible for implementing the solution, and conducting quality tests to ensure the integrations would deliver the right results.  

The implementation of Avaya OneCloud was a carefully structured process for Jindal SAW. Avaya was on-hand every step of the way to connect with the IT teams in the organisation, study their communication strategies, and build a bespoke solution to the brand’s problems.  

A New Age of Flexibility and Quality  

One of the most significant benefits of implementing Avaya’s technology for Jindal SAW was the new level of flexibility it offered. Avaya’s solution enabled access to the cloud, providing mobility for employees who couldn’t always be present at the desk. Staff members were able to take their numbers with them on the go and answer calls anywhere.  

Beyond the mobility offered by the service, Jindal SAW also encountered a number of other benefits. For instance, Avaya’s network significantly improved the quality and clarity of voice communications for both internal and external calls. The previous issues of lag and inconsistency were eliminated.  

According to Jindal SAW, Avaya’s solution meant employees didn’t have to deal with any lag in the network, even when handling input from multiple people on a conference call. To accelerate adoption and return on investment, Avaya implemented training activities for the staff, showing them how to get the most out of the new technology.  

The improvement in call quality reduced the number of calls abandoned by consumers due to problems with connectivity. It also helped to enhance user productivity, and pave the way for stronger collaborative sessions among staff.  

Not only did Avaya help Jindal SAW to perform more effectively on a daily basis, but the technology provided by the vendor also led to significant cost savings. The new communications software required minimal maintenance, so IT staff were free to focus on other strategic projects.  

The technology even integrated with the company’s initial MPLS system, so the brand didn’t lose out on previous investments. Jindal SAW has even experienced improvements in the time it takes to onboard and train new team members, which further reduces expenses.  

Happier Employees and Customers 

Jindal SAW’s investment in Avaya’s technology has allowed the company to deliver more streamlined and efficient tools to employees. The team benefits from better productivity and enhanced collaboration opportunities. At the same time, customers are benefitting too, from better-quality calls, improved issue management, and faster problem resolution.  

According to the Jindal SAW experts, the solutions provided by Avaya have significantly exceeded expectations. This has even prompted the company to expand their relationship with Avaya even further, planning adoption of additional tools in the years ahead.  

Jindal SAW is considering adding new solution capabilities to the UCaaS environment to assist with even better employee and customer experiences going forward.  


from UC Today

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