Mobile Intelligence: How Usage Insight is the Latest Enabler of Enhanced Customer Engagement 

How well do your customers know their customers? 

What are their buying behaviours, their user preferences, their geographical location?  

When is the best time to talk to them, via which channel and in what way? 

In today’s modern, 24/7 marketplace, the answers to these questions can be potent differentiators. 

They can provide end user enterprises with the golden nuggets they need to maximise every aspect of the customer relationship; from building rich profiles and designing effective engagement processes, to driving productivity efficiencies and enhancing security. 

Mobile Intelligence – the sum of all that brilliant data – is derived from the clever analysis of mobile phone usage. 

And enterprises smart enough to capitalise are discovering just how powerful it can be.  

“In a mobile-first world where personalization and personalized engagement are the buzzwords of the day, the mobile device is quickly becoming one of the most powerful data sources for enterprises looking to understand more about the behaviours and attributes of their customers,” says Sanjin Vlahovic, Head of Mobile Intelligence  at leading provider of global omnichannel communications solutions Mitto, whose own direct and wholesale mobile intelligence solution helps do just that.  

“With data points including the online or offline status of mobile numbers, what mobile network the number is associated with, and portability and roaming status, there are multiple ways that enterprises can use the data to enhance customer engagement.” 

The use cases are indeed compelling. 

Customer Profiling – for example, understanding how often a consumer changes their mobile contract – can help inform levels of brand loyalty.  

Location Verification – knowing where a user is in the world – can, for example, help satisfy compliance regulations in the gaming industry which strictly govern where a customer is located at the time they place a bet. Financial Institutions are also using the same data to verify the location of credit card customers at the time a purchase is made so they can reduce fraudulent activity and provide customer peace of mind. 

Time Sensitive Communications – using mobile intelligence to optimize SMS routing – ensures mobile messages get delivered in as near-real-time as possible in the most cost-effective way possible.  

For example, financial institutions who use SMS to convey time-critical communications like fraud alerts or account balance alerts can be assured that not only are their messages getting through to the right people, at the right time, but that they are also being delivered via the most efficient routes.  

“Mobile intelligence is the process of uncovering knowledge and patterns from data generated by mobile users and their devices – with the lightning-fast pace of our digital world, brands can use that real-time data to make smarter, faster decisions anytime, anywhere,” says Ramon Kania, Mitto Chief Technology Officer.    

“The data can be used to clean up internal databases, protect businesses from fraudulent accounts, and ensure customer account security. Real-time data significantly reduces the time spent looking for answers, accelerating decision-making processes. As a result, businesses can react swiftly to different scenarios and streamline their daily operations. 

“Mobile intelligence is enormously beneficial to organizations that were previously working in silos as the data is easily accessible and can be easily shared across all departments, promoting cohesion and collaboration. 

“That ultimately helps enterprises stay one step ahead of potential risks so that they can quickly address crises, improve the customer experience, and drive growth.” 

Mobile intelligence solutions like those offered by Mitto in particular provide validation, verification and authentication of mobile numbers from the line type, international number formatting, and carrier checks.  

All are critical signals that can help enterprises reduce costs, increase conversions, and enhance security.  

 “Without the insights provided by mobile intelligence, businesses will experience lessened efficiency and higher security risks, potentially costing them customers and profits,” says Kania.   

“The return on investment is clear: faster decision-making processes, improved database efficiency, increased security, and a greater ability to hit revenue goals and KPIs.” 

For Managed Service Providers, Value Added Resellers and System Integrators, that’s an easy customer conversation to start. 


  • To learn more about how Mitto can help your and your customers’ businesses leverage the power of mobile intelligence, visit



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