The Benefits of a Composable Enterprise and Democratized IT for Customer Experience 

As digital transformation and customer demands converge and accelerate, offering flawless digital interactions that underpin exceptional customer experiences (CX) is no longer “nice to have”. It is an operational necessity. 

According to strategic research by Forbes Insights, great CX was put forward as one of the top three priorities among 45% of companies. Furthermore, 63% of high-growth organisations work towards excellent CX standards, as compared with the 37% of low-growth companies that need to prioritise CX.  

Providing excellent customer experiences doesn’t just help to retain customers; it directly affects financial outcomes. 41% of executives reported that successful CX helps to reduce costs.  

Customer Experience Challenges  

CX is an essential component of success for many companies. Yet, the same Forbes report also found that only 31% of executives strongly agreed that customers had satisfying experiences with their businesses. Although recent market pressures have pushed companies to adopt rapid response measures for customers, enterprises need help to meet and maintain this expected cadence of change. 

Sudarshan Dharmapuri, VP, Products, Webex CPaaS Solutions, spoke about the roadblocks businesses face:

“At present, few organisations have the agility, collaboration, and speed of delivery needed to power seamless and secure customer interactions.” 

While attempting to deliver better experiences and respond to competitive disruption, businesses are likely to make three mistakes: 

They don’t design end-to-end journeys: leading to poor data flow across interactions and disconnected customer experiences  

They focus on making existing tasks more efficient: instead of designing new processes or reimagining old ones to deliver better experiences for customers and employees.  

They maintain rigid walls between front and back offices and different departments: instead of building experiences that break down silos.  

Composable Enterprises and Democratised IT Can Transform CX 

To realise rapid digital and CX transformation, enterprises must embrace becoming composable and democratising IT.  

Becoming a Composable Enterprise

Instead of relying on traditional systems and development approaches that delay time to market and stifle innovation, composable enterprises enable their teams to implement communication flows and customer engagement applications by leveraging a rich set of pre-packaged building blocks within a low-code or no-code environment. They further empower their teams to operate, analyse and iteratively improve these applications while minimising dependence on IT and DevOps teams. Whether it’s to improve customer engagement or accelerate digital transformation, the transition to a modular yet composable architecture enables rapid iteration and faster time to market.  

Empower those who sit outside of IT

Composable enterprises also create the ideal environment for IT democratisation. Democratising IT, which involves empowering more workers with technology and levelling up technological capabilities across a company, offers significant opportunities to deliver more change faster and more efficiently than ever before. And by providing technology access to business users, IT can help accelerate and unlock innovation across the enterprise while ensuring compliance with policies and governance structures.  

Low-code tools allow technical and non-technical staff greater freedom to quickly build and maintain their solutions without needing extensive IT support. Whether building or orchestrating new customer experience journeys or supporting application development, organisations can innovate faster and more securely to create systems that truly meet employee and customer needs. 

Delivering Modern CX Today 

Organisations can drastically improve customer experiences and processes by becoming composable and democratising IT. While this should be regarded as a long-term strategy, solutions such as Webex Connect that enable users to tap into a ready-made set of tools can help companies kickstart the journey to achieving their goals. For more information on delivering compelling customer experiences faster, get your copy of The composable enterprise and IT democratisation—the competitive advantage CX and IT leaders need. 



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