Case Study Shows Slack to Teams Migration Gold Standard

A recent case study with North Carolina-based CloudFuze has shown how the mass migration of data from Slack to Teams for a global organisation can be achieved to deadline.

Avoiding Microsoft API (application programming interface) throttling and alleviating rate limits, CloudFuze’s privileged Gold Partner status ensured that working with Microsoft went more smoothly.

Migration of Users and Channels

CloudFuze were charged with migrating 100 users, 200+ channels and 100,000 direct messages from Slack to Teams for a leading global technology research and advisory firm. The remit was for a tight deadline and a priority of a fast Microsoft 365 adoption. The decommissioning of cloud sources was also a factor in saving on licence costs.

With a Microsoft Gold Partner certification, CloudFuze’s closeness to Microsoft equated to a direct connection to Microsoft 365 with Teams at the centre. The management of large data streams was made more accessible by the migration provider CloudFuze being able to get priority support instantly.

Microsoft stated that being a Microsoft Gold Partner means several benefits. The first is a low risk of downtime during migration. Microsoft has published comprehensive information for enterprises looking to migrate Slack to Teams. The online document includes a guide on what you can and can’t migrate and setting out a team deployment plan.

Avoiding API Throttling

Arun Jyothi, Cloud Storage Expert and Microsoft Blogger, said: “Businesses planning to migrate a lot of users and data from Slack to Teams in a short timeframe can be at the risk of API throttling on the Microsoft side. In such cases, the ability of the migration service provider to reach out to the Microsoft team for priority support plays a mission-critical role in avoiding disruption.”

Referring to the CloudFuze case study, Jyothi stated: “This is where CloudFuze’s Microsoft Gold Partnership played a pivotal role in aligning the on-time completion goal for success. CloudFuze’s migration team collaborated with the Microsoft team to raise the API rate limits before executing the project and during the migration when the customer faced throttling issues that posed a medium level of project delay risk. ”

Jyothi summarised the study case study for Microsoft Gold Partnership. She said:

“CloudFuze’s privileged relationship with Microsoft through the Gold Partnership created a win-win situation where both parties benefited mutually.”

Recent Slack and Teams News

In the Autumn of 2022, Teams and Slack were found to need more default settings. A paper published by researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison called “Experimental Security Analysis of the App Model in Business Collaboration Platforms”.

Microsoft reviewed the report and responded: “We’ve reviewed the report and have determined that many of the conclusions reached are based on a methodology that we need more information to speak to. We’ve reached out to the researchers and will thoroughly investigate all claims and take any necessary action to help protect customers.”

Slack founder and CEO Stewart Butterfield confirmed that he is leaving the company this month. His replacement is Lidiane Jones, an Executive Vice President at Salesforce. Announced in December, the news came soon after Bret Taylor, the co-CEO of Salesforce, revealed he was leaving. The parent company of Slack, Salesforce, acquired them in July 2021 for $27.7bn.



from UC Today

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