Automation is one of the major methods being used to enable the digital transformation of organisations. In the contact centre world this is leading to more use of the chatbot to provide customers with a quick, simple and more efficient way to interact with a contact centre. The chatbot is especially useful in sectors where some queries can become quite technical and / or involved and require the attention of the most skills members of a call centre team.

The challenge is how to make optimum use of those prime agents. What organisations really need to avoid is those key members of their teams using their time dealing with low-grade questions. Pridis, the developer of the Connecsy Cloud attendant console, is now helping organisations address this challenge by introducing intent-based intelligence.

This uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to analyse the content of the initial exchanges made during interactions and route the call or query to the most appropriate agent or team.

Getting priorities right

Caspar Hendriks, Director Global Sales at Pridis, explained why it is needed. “When a customer calls with a with a lower-priority request, you wouldn’t necessarily need to transfer that to a highly skilled employee, because it should be fairly simple to deal with. You don’t want to overload your top agents with minor queries or complaints

“This is one of the main challenges that organisations with high level knowledge workers face. They need to make the best possible use of their most skilled agents. The intent-based intelligence in Connecsy Cloud can help you to balance the different factors – the nature and level of the incoming request, the status of the customer that has placed it, and the availability of agents and teams.” The intent-based intelligence can be applied to both voice and digital communications and analyse input from multiple channels. A set of parameters can be set that apply different weights to the severity or seriousness of the request, the importance if the customer that has placed it, the specific content of the enquiry, and other factors. These can be re-tuned and adjusted to suit the contact centre operator.

Hendricks believes this functionality will be particularly useful for large financial services and insurance firms, and for providers of specialist contact centre outsourcing services, who need to make sure they optimise the use of all their agents, and especially the most talented.

Successful pilot

The AI/ML technology is already available and can be applied to Connecsy Cloud console at the request. Pridis has been piloting the service with a number of customers and it has been really well-received, said Hendriks.

“It works because it is helps you to improve the way you interact with your customers and how you load on your internal organisation and find the right balance and that’s extremely for an organisation running a contact centre.”

It can also help companies to retail their most valued personnel. With the skills shortage likely to continue, this is vitally important. By preventing them from being overloaded with routine and uninteresting queries, key workers will be happier and more motivated and can continue to sharpen their customer care and problem-solving skills.



from UC Today