The CX and UCaaS spaces have always been closely intertwined. In terms of customer interactions, one of the most significant advantages of using a UCaaS platform is that being cloud-based and portal-controlled, it allows us to adjust and adapt the customer experience quickly and easily.

But in order to truly be able to use this cloud-driven agility to gain a competitive advantage, we need insight into our customers’ patterns of behavior as they interact with our business. The remarkable growth of Ericsson-LG Enterprise iPECS Analytics platform is a solid testament to this.

iPECS Analytics is an add-on to the iPECS UCaaS solution, providing businesses with insight into their customers’ use of the voice and messaging channels, as well as their own performance in meeting customer expectations. In the last quarter alone, Analytics experienced a subscriber growth of over 150%.

“When we noticed such quick and significant growth, we immediately reached out to our resellers and asked them for the reason why. The answer coming back loud and clear was very much around customer experience,” shares Will Morey, CEO of Pragma, the UK Channel Service Provider using iPECS at the heart of their proposition.

I spoke with Morey to learn more about the function of the Analytics platform and the critical importance of actionable customer interaction insights in helping businesses stand out to customers.

Voice is Still Key

One of the most important things to consider when discussing the UCaaS-CX connection is the role that voice channels still play in customer interactions.

“We believe, and various research backs up our viewpoint, that voice is still an extremely important channel. Although you can argue it’s declined in terms of volume usage, I think it’s increased in importance,” Morey notes.

“Now, when people genuinely have a problem, a complex question, or an important transaction to perform, voice remains the dominant route. That’s why we believe the Analytics platform is so integral to businesses’ CX strategy.”

A Hands-On Experience

Recognizing the significance of the Analytics add-on to the overall use of the iPECS solution, Pragma provides it in its full version, free of charge, for the first three months of use of their UCaaS platform.

“The reason we do this is, these first three months are probably the most uncomfortable period the business will ever have with our solution, as they’re just starting to get used to it,” Morey explains.

Morey believes this hands-on experience with Analytics is part of what’s causing the impressive growth in its adoption.

“Once business start using the platform, they see how invaluable it is in improving their customer experience, which drives them to continue using Analytics beyond those initial three months.”

The Powerful Interplay of Analytics and Cloud

The true force of Analytics, and what seems to be driving subscriber growth more than anything, lies in the interplay between the CX insight it provides and the great agility of the cloud platform.

“All of a sudden, administrators, customer service managers, and marketing directors are empowered to make immediate changes in the business’s customer experience and customer journey with the press of a button,” Morey says.

Analytics offers various useful features that businesses can apply to simple-but-powerful use cases. A great example is viewing missed and unreturned call data and adjusting operations accordingly.

“For a business, having that insight can be the return on investment in one single piece of data, since one missed call can cost them tens to thousands of pounds in sales,” Morey explains.

Using Analytics, businesses can model when the peak call times are, as well as the tolerances of customers when it comes to waiting times. They can then map that against the number of agents they have available and plan their resourcing accordingly. Ultimately, utilizing the agility of the cloud platform, they can flex up and down to add or remove agents as they see fit.

The platform offers various other features providing businesses with actionable insights, such as integrated call recordings, full mobile call recording and the ability to easily share the data and insights across teams.

What’s Coming Up?

CX and Analytics are planned to continue being an area of focus for the iPECS solution in particular and Ericsson-LG Enterprise as a whole.

“We’re putting lots of time, and Ericsson-LG Enterprise are putting a huge focus on analytics, and there are a number of big releases coming up in the upcoming months that should truly take Analytics to another level,” Morey shares.

Additionally, a new mobile integration for iPECS, called iPECS Anywhere, enabling seamless integration of mobile devices into the iPECS cloud environment, was released in December.

“We’re extremely excited about this release, as it’s quite a game changer for UCaaS mobile integrations,” Morey shares.

“By integrating our cloud platform into the mobile network, we’ve essentially allowed anyone using a mobile phone connected to our platform to natively be part of the Analytics environment, without having to use an app sitting on their phone.”

To learn more about the Pragma iPECS solution, click here.



from UC Today