Demand for Microsoft Teams has skyrocketed in recent years. As companies continue investing in the opportunities provided by digital transformation, many are shifting their core processes and strategies into the cloud. With a comprehensive UCaaS offering such as Microsoft Teams, business leaders can access all the productivity, communication, and collaboration technologies they need in one space.

Perhaps most importantly, Teams offers companies the flexibility to develop their UCaaS landscape according to their own specific needs. The flexible solution integrates seamlessly with the existing Microsoft landscape while also offering endless access to various partner solutions.
For channel partners in the Teams ecosystem, there are endless opportunities to grow revenue, unlock new benefits for consumers, and strengthen relationships with clients.

The Options for Channel Partners

To ensure every business can benefit from Microsoft Teams, Microsoft has built its go-to-market strategy around a robust partner network designed to deliver numerous value-add opportunities. Channel partners can offer everything from all-in-one Microsoft Teams packages, with Calling Plans and service management solutions, to services around Direct Routing.

While many partners have already achieved success with Direct Routing and the PowerShell landscape, Microsoft’s introduction of Operator Connect has created a new way for service providers to deliver value. Introduced in 2021, with a number of reputable launch partners, Operator Connect enables end-users to access and manage their third-party voice services directly within Teams.

Operator Connect lets organizations quickly and easily embed voice functionality from carriers into Teams, giving them the freedom to manage everything in one environment. As a simpler solution to Direct Routing, Operator Connect will only grow in popularity as more carriers are certified. However, it’s not without its challenges.

As competition continues to increase in the partner landscape, from both new entrants and traditional players, Operator Connect does give partners the freedom to accelerate their service delivery to clients and deliver new benefits with minimal effort. However, attaining Operator Connect accreditation can be an extremely time-consuming and costly process.

Simplifying the Entry to the Operator Connect Space

Providers of communication solutions via Microsoft Teams Operator Connect need to undergo stringent testing from Microsoft. The solution allows service providers to deliver a fully cloud-managed voice system to their customers. It’s even possible to create automated workflows, to streamline crucial things like billing and reporting.

Operator Connect simplifies provisioning and management with minimal configuration required. This system introduces new opportunities to provide value-added services to customers in search of rapid digital transformation.

However, it can be costly and time consuming to be certified to offer Operator Connect. Fortunately there are already leading communication partners that have gone through this process so others don’t have to.

The Operator Connect Accelerator program sees a handful of trusted partners, selected by Microsoft, help carriers become certified. For service providers, using this program is not quite as costly as going it alone but still requires investment of both time and money.

Elsewhere, Pure IP, one of the original Operator Connect launch partners, offers a partner program called eVoc2 (enabling voice with Operator Connect with the power of two).

This provides a combination of tools, technologies, and support solutions built to make Operator Connect more accessible to Managed Service Providers (MSPs).

Ian Guest, Director of Marketing at Pure IP explains why they decided to offer this partner program.

“We understand that not every MSP has voice expertise, but that shouldn’t stop them from bringing the value of voice to their customers and taking part of this 50-billion-dollar opportunity,” he said.

“That’s why we want to help them, as an extended part of their sales team. They don’t have to invest time, money, and resources to become certified in offering Operator Connect and can leverage a relationship with us for their customers benefit as well as their own.”

With access to an existing, approved ecosystem, partners can fast-track their transition into the Teams Voice landscape without having to become experts in voice.

What to Look for in a Channel Partner Solution

Telcos and channel partners can leverage a simple, low-touch way to enable all of the benefits of Operator Connect, including rapid scalability, endless flexibility, and geographical reach.

The most innovative solutions include access to:

  • Automated tooling: Via automated solutions, channel partners can rapidly transform the provisioning and ordering process, allowing their end clients to access voice in Teams according to their needs, with fewer headaches and frictions.
  • Exceptional voice: A pre-existing voice network ensures partners can leverage all the benefits of a fully responsive, reliable, and extensive global network. Clients can access cloud telephony whenever and wherever they need it, with exceptional security and consistency.
  • Managed service support: Access to managed services provides partners with the support they need to manage the technical side of Operator Connect. This means they can spend less time investing in technical resources and more time building strong customer relationships.
  • Access portals: Through access to a dedicated management portal, channel partners can easily provision, configure, and update Teams voice solutions without the need for on-site maintenance. Customer services can be implemented and delivered in a matter of minutes, and business leaders can keep a close eye on crucial metrics to boost retention.
  • Flexibility: Companies focused on enabling the modern channel partners in the Microsoft ecosystem can adapt their services to suit their customers. There are different engagement models available to address each partner’s needs. Companies can access API integrations, partner sales support, online quote generation, and flexible billing capabilities.

Unlocking New Opportunities with Microsoft Teams Voice

Microsoft Teams voice services represent an exceptional opportunity for channel partners hoping to provide their customers with fully flexible UCaaS environments. The addition of Operator Connect into the Microsoft landscape takes the abilities of channel partners to the next level, with endless support for improved agility, scalability, and control.

While building a comprehensive Operator Connect solution from scratch can be time-consuming and expensive, a partner-led solution offers a different approach. Companies can leverage the automated provisioning, enhanced service management, and technologies of a pre-existing and certified Microsoft partner to pave the way for rapid Operator Connect adoption.

For partners looking for a low-cost and innovative way to leverage the power of Operator Connect, a partner-led solution reduces the need for additional training, integrations, technical knowledge, and support costs. It’s the easiest way for partners to deliver the streamlined experiences their customers are looking for without unnecessary complexity and confusion.

Guest is optimistic by the opportunity that eVoc2 provides for MSPs.

“With only 5% of the 280 million active users using voice for Microsoft Teams, there is such huge potential,” he said. “Establishing a partnership with someone like Pure IP provides MSPs the ability to add voice to their portfolio quickly and get ahead of their competition.”

from UC Today