Organisations increasingly recognise the compliance requirement they face when recording customer interactions over Microsoft Teams. Many industries, notably financial services, face heavy regulation in terms of compliance but generally, concerns about privacy and data protection affect all customer facing organisations. Recording Unified Communications sessions has therefore become a mainstream business requirement and to do so compliantly is a priority.

Mida Solutions has been providing its Mida Recorder compliant recording application for Microsoft Teams for several years now. In 2022, after being involved in compliance recording for Teams certification programmes, the Mida team fully passed all the certification phases, achieving Microsoft official certification for the product.

Microsoft certification confirms that each of the certified solutions is designed and functions according to the standard required by Microsoft itself, but this does not mean that all solutions are equivalent, either in terms of functionalities, compliance or – of course- their user experience. Therefore, regardless of the preferences an organisation may have for one or the other solution, there are fundamental aspects that a compliance recording solution for Teams must have.

Must-have features include the ability to record conversations or meeting in a way that complies with the main privacy regulations. These cover not just the act of recording but also the storage and how recordings are stored, searched for and recovered for playback. The location of storage is also an essential consideration because regulations, such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), require that recordings are stored in the same country that they are made in. Mida points out that this is a vital requirement and its customers, especially those in the financial sector, regard the location of recorded files and a means to access them compliantly as crucial to their operations.

Although Mida Solutions has a complete portfolio of UC solutions for Teams, it recognises that companies often utilise legacy systems alongside Teams so recording may happen over Teams in addition to Cisco, Alcatel or Zoom platforms, for example. This hybrid situation, in which recordings are taken in multiple sources and later stored, has created further pressure for enterprises. They need to ensure multi-source recordings can be accessed regardless of the source technology used for each conversation. This is an increasingly important aspect of compliance recording and one which Mida’s Call Recorder solution enables.

Importantly, the Mida solution enables files that originated in different sources to be available in the same place. Users can therefore easily search for a recording and utilise the Mida Recorder as a single playback station from which to access recordings from different sources. Most other solutions only enable playback of recordings that originate from a single source so include players for just Teams or Cisco. This is awkward to use and requires adoption of multiple apps to facilitate playback. With Mida, playback is simplified and compliance recordings can be accessed from a single app.

“We’re proud that our Mida Recorder solution offers all the must-have features that enterprises require to ensure their compliance recording meets regulations,” says Michele Bernardinello, Business Developer at Mida Solutions.

“By enabling all recordings to be accessed simply through our app regardless of the original source, the user experience is simpler and smoother, making it easier for customers to discover their compliance recordings when they need to.”

from UC Today