Safety First: CallCabinet Deployed by Fuse 2 is All the Protection Your Cloud Communication Needs

Security and compliance are crucial needs within the business communications industry, only getting more prominent with time. In a world so heavily based on UCaaS, keeping all interactions properly monitored, stored, and encrypted at all times is a top priority.

That’s why it’s extremely important for businesses to invest wisely in dedicated solutions ensuring they meet all relevant regulations, and then some.

Recognizing its deep importance, cloud service provider Fuse 2 puts emphasis on this area and employs various technologies to help keep their customers – and their customers’ customers – safe. Their deployment offering of state-of-the-art security & compliance solution CallCabinet, enhanced by Fuse 2’s own security features, reflects that commitment.

In a recent chat with Pete Sunday, Technical Services Manager at Fuse 2, he walked me through the ins and outs of CallCabinet and shared the specific benefits of deploying it through Fuse 2.

CallCabinet: AI-Driven Security & Compliance

CallCabinet is a compliance and security SaaS solution that can be used as an overlay with your UC platform of choice, integrating with Microsoft Teams, 3CX, and others; with features like compliant call recording, AI-powered voice analytics, PCI redaction, and encrypted storage.

“As we know, regulations pretty much govern nearly every business today, particularly businesses in the finance, healthcare, and insurance industries, where sensitive information is dealt with regularly,” Sunday says.

These businesses all have contact centres, and they all require call recording which meets their regulations, be it MiFID II, PCI compliance, FAIS compliance, or anything else.

“CallCabinet meets a comprehensive range of compliance regulations and allows organizations a very flexible, easy-to-use way of managing and sharing access to their call recordings while at all times remaining compliant,” he notes.

Two of CallCabinet’s biggest strengths are its extensive encryption and its transcription hashing feature.

“Everything stored on the platform is all cloud encrypted with 256-bit and rotating encryption, which makes it extremely hard for an attacker to break,” Sunday explains.

“The transcription hashing picks up on any sort of financial or otherwise sensitive customer data inside any speech-to-text transcriptions, and automatically removes them, meaning that none of that data is at risk,” he adds.

Fuse 2 Security Benefits

Fuse 2 themselves make sure to throw quite a few of their own security benefits into the mix, enhancing the inherent CallCabinet features and making for an airtight deployment offering.

“We have our very own independent, carrier-grade network which gives us extra flexibility and visibility of everything that’s going on, allowing us to keep ahead of changes and make quick adaptations, if necessary,” Sunday says.

The Fuse 2 network employs various security technologies to provide customers with the utmost protection.”We have a DDoS protection platform to prevent malicious traffic, which is extremely important, as well as numerous fraud prevention measures,” he says.

This effectively means that if a customer has an intrusion and somebody starts placing fraudulent calls, the Fuse 2 network can detect those calls, close them down and conduct damage mitigation for customers who may be having issues.”We’ve made a huge investment recently in our fraud prevention measures, and we’re rolling out more and more all the time, so that’s always developing as the needs of the industry develop.”

Other than their secure network, Fuse 2 also enhances its security & compliance offering with additional benefits like their expert technical services team, dedicated account management, and other features such as spend limits, time-of-day routing, and dynamic CLI presentation.

To learn more about the Fuse 2 CallCabinet offering, visit their website here.

from UC Today

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