From Whiteboards to File Sharing: Securing your Modern Workplace

The future of work has arrived. Changing trends, like the rise of hybrid and remote work have transformed the way employees connect, collaborate, and share knowledge on a fundamental scale. Boardroom meetings and brainstorming sessions have given way to digital whiteboards, generating dynamic content on the fly.

Supervisors and managers guide staff members through assignments on project management apps. Even crucial meetings are taking place through messaging apps and video conferencing tools. Fortunately, collaboration platform vendors like Zoom, RingCentral, and Microsoft are providing organizations with all the solutions they need to unify and empower workers.

However, as collaboration methods evolve, companies are increasingly struggling to ensure internal communications remain compliant. According to a Theta Lake study, 68% of companies even restrict access to crucial collaboration features just to reduce risk.

So, how do companies enable collaboration while staying secure?

Securing Knowledge in the Modern Workplace

The first step to securing the modern workplace is understanding how today’s employees share information and connect with colleagues. Phone calls and in-person meetings aren’t the only solution anymore. Many organizations are reliant on a host of different apps and tools built to synergize their workforce and improve productivity.

To ensure employees can collaborate and communicate safely in all environments, businesses need to implement compliance solutions that address the following areas:

1. Collaboration Platforms

Probably the first environment worth assessing is the modern collaboration platform. Tools like Microsoft Teams and Zoom make it easy for users to share information, connect through video, audio, and text, and stay aligned with the rest of the workforce.

However, many of these solutions don’t have comprehensive collaboration tools already built in. To ensure they’re adhering to the latest regulatory standards, business leaders need to leverage compliance platform integrations capable of capturing information in all of its forms.

A compliance solution for collaboration platforms can allow organizations to automatically capture information from chat, video, and audio conversations, complete with contextual cues. What’s more, it ensures these companies can store the data they collect in its native format, in an archiving environment that adheres to the latest security and privacy standards.

With the correct integration, companies can ensure their team members can take advantage of all the knowledge sharing and communication tools included in a comprehensive collaboration platform, without compromising on privacy and security standards.

2. Project Management Tools

Like collaboration platforms, project management tools have grown increasingly essential in recent years. Work management solutions like Asana and allow business leaders to assign specific tasks to team members, track productivity, and keep teams aligned.

However, ensuring compliance with these platforms can be complex. Companies subject to regulatory oversights from leading regulatory bodies often struggle to determine how they should capture and store vital information from the project management solutions they use. Sometimes, firms even rely on inefficient methods, such as manually exporting and reviewing data every month.

A dedicated compliance solution designed for your project management platform can mitigate these issues. With a seamless integration to tools like Asana and, companies can take advantage of API-driven and purpose-built solutions for capturing and tracking data throughout the business ecosystem.

The result is better security through features like data encryption, access controls, and secured storage options. Plus, companies can benefit from advanced solutions, like AI-powered tools for efficiently reviewing and supervising communications.

3. Document Sharing Platforms

Emailing complex documents and data to employees throughout the modern workplace is rarely the most efficient or secure strategy for today’s business leaders. Instead, to ensure every team member can access the same resources, companies are investing more heavily in cloud-based file-sharing solutions, such as Dropbox and Box.

These tools allow companies to create comprehensive libraries of tools and resources their team members can access anywhere. Solutions like Box even ensure team members can collaborate on documents in real-time, annotating files and leaving comments for other employees.

Like collaboration platforms and project management tools, however, there are compliance risks to consider. Businesses need to ensure employees are sharing and using knowledge securely. Once again, compliance tool integrations for solutions like Box can help with this strategy.

Companies can leverage enterprise-class search, case management, and reporting tools, to ease the burden of managing content records and hold requests. Plus, some tools even use AI and deep learning to automatically detect misconduct and security risks.

4. Digital Whiteboards

Finally, the whiteboard is still one of the most valuable tools for collaboration in many companies. Used for training, brainstorming sessions and meetings alike, virtual whiteboards are quickly replacing traditional boards used in old-fashioned meeting spaces.

Solutions like Mural provide employees with an intuitive environment where they can create dynamic visual content and share their insights with colleagues. However, capturing the information shared in these sessions for compliance purposes can be complex without the right tools.

Solutions like Theta Lake’s integration for Mural ensures organizations can seamlessly capture all whiteboard content, ensuring optimal compliance and archiving practices. With the right tools, companies can accelerate whiteboard adoption, boost employee productivity, and preserve compliance, all while minimizing IT resources.

The right compliance tool integration means every business can collect not just whiteboard data, but any relevant content associated with it, such as metadata and images. This preserves context and fidelity, making reviews easier for eDiscovery and compliance personnel.

Ensuring Compliance in the Modern Workplace

Digital transformation is accelerating in virtually every industry. The workplace as we know it has evolved, with new tools for collaboration and communication emerging at a rapid rate. Investing in these new solutions for knowledge sharing can help companies to boost productivity levels, as well as employee engagement.

However, as technology evolves, the compliance standards companies must adhere to are transforming too. Today’s businesses need to ensure they’re securing every part of their communication and collaboration stack, with the right compliance tools.

Anthony Cresci, SVP of Finance, Business Development and Operations at Theta Lake, says: “Today’s digital workplace utilizes a myriad of productivity tools ranging from UC platforms, whiteboards, work management, and more. While these platforms may work very differently, they share one area in common: the need to enhance end-user productivity and workforce engagement.

With Theta Lake’s seamless API-driven integration, we can ensure users are unencumbered while also operating and using these applications safely and compliantly.”

from UC Today

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