Cloud Security: Why it Pays to Pick a Provider Partner that Offers Baked-In Protection

Complex issues are often easier to confront when simplified. 

That’s not to say ‘dumbed down’ – more like demystified. 

It’s because, in business, not everyone can be an expert in every field. And not all businesses have the scale or the budget to hire or outsource highly-technical (and expensive) personnel. 

In the SMB sector, for instance, the majority are focused fully on delivering for their customers. Apart from processes essential for keeping the lights on, they may lack the capacity to effectively cover off the trickier, non-revenue related aspects of running their business. 

For them, security is the perfect example. 

Ironically, they operate in a sector that is at constantly-increasing risk of attack from cyber criminals. However, that means huge opportunity exists for their technology service providers to help them stay as protected as possible.  

The problem is that often MSPs themselves lack expert security solutions and must look to their own providers for support. When that support is not only abundant but comes at no extra cost, it is a partnership that can deliver on all fronts. 

“Security is on the minds of every service provider out there but often they don’t have dedicated cybersecurity teams – the aim should be to empower them with enterprise level security wherever possible; for it to be accessible and available regardless of size or budget,” says Alex Smith, Vice President of Product Security and Analytics at global cloud communications provider Intermedia, whose powerful direct and indirect voice, video, chat, file sharing, and contact center platform offering comes with a free, baked-in security focus.   

“We believe that, when it comes to security, knowledge is really the key. Everything that we do, the programmes we put in place, the way we talk about security to end user customers and reseller partners is all about trying to demystify it. We encourage them all to have stakeholder conversations in language that people understand, and to feel confidence in our solutions and services. We don’t charge for security features; we believe that it is in everyone’’s interests for security to come as standard.” 

For SMBs, protection from cybercrime has become increasingly challenging. Many now deploy omnichannel communication tools in response to the demands of today’s always-on customer. That new level of sophistication presents potential back doors through which hackers, scammers and data thieves look to walk through. 

“SMBs have really woken up to that situation and are more fearful of attack,” says Smith. “As a direct service provider or as an indirect technology partner, we believe security is our responsibility and we take it personally when our customers report issues.  

“Typically, SMBs start from a position of fear but don’t necessarily know what the right questions are. We feel that our role is to educate our channel partners so they are able to have those conversations and provide the right answers.” 

To that end, Intermedia hosts regular partner webinars; provides a range of tools via its website such as security guides and check lists; and offers out-of-the-box security measures that don’t require expert security knowledge to configure. 

Additionally – and of particular added value to its service provider partners – it has developed a smart and plain-speaking ‘Triple Shield’ messaging set which highlights the importance of securing the infrastructure, the application and the user. 

“It’s about breaking security down into simple, manageable considerations,” says Smith. “Depending on the sophistication of the partner and the customer, our sales engineers, account managers and privacy teams will focus their conversations on certain areas, however they are all involved in sharing the Triple Shield security message. 

“A lot of resource and energy has gone into the creation of that messaging and, because it is simple and impactful, it’s easy for resellers to include it in customer conversations. We give it to them for free, as a tool to not only help them win new business but also to provide existing customers with clarity and confidence.” 

Not that any approach to security can provide complete protection. 

Sadly, the explosion in powerful, complex and, in many cases, AI-powered unified communication stacks has fuelled the relentless rise in cybercrime. That means security strategies must respond and evolve in line with changing and emerging threats. 

In the case of Intermedia, it is constantly reviewing its solutions’ capabilities, as well as its own security providers’ abilities to continue to deliver maximum protection. 

“The security market is massive and there are thousands of vendors,” says Smith. “We constantly assess the market and swap vendors in and out based upon their ability to provide us, our customers, and our partners with the best possible solutions and service,” says Smith. 

That sounds like the kind of smart approach capable of keeping those vulnerable back doors firmly shut. 

 To learn more about how Intermedia can help keep your and your customers’ business communications secure, click here.

from UC Today

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