Through long-standing partnership with Microsoft, Symity was well positioned at the forefront of the AI revolution in the workplace, to introduce Microsoft 365 Copilot to businesses ready to elevate their productivity and collaboration. And with the latest insights from the Work Trend Index report underscoring the transformative impact of Copilot, Symity customers are already reporting significant enhancements in their work efficiency and creative processes.

As adoption and training manager Richard Lewis pointed out, “it’s still early days, but productivity is at the heart of what knowledge workers do.” So anything which unlocks a way to work faster and/or more effectively, is going to yield some quick wins for early adopters, whatever their process and goals.

“We’re finding Copilot is very powerful in breaking the back of that first task, overcoming the empty page in a new document, or where to start with a PowerPoint. It helps move users more quickly into the zone from a creative perspective.

“For meetings and conversations too, the recap functionality is amazing, so you can turn Copilot on and be fully immersed in the call, without worrying about keeping track of what’s being agreed and discussed, because it’s all captured to be pulled out into your action list afterwards.”

Symity’s Tailored Approach to Copilot Readiness

Naturally, forward-looking clients are keen to get their hands on this powerful tool – but as with every technological transformation, managing the rollout and adoption carefully is fundamental, to a frictionless and effective adoption.

Understanding that all their clients have unique needs, Symity has developed a bespoke Microsoft 365 Copilot Readiness Assessment. This consultative workshop is designed to evaluate a company’s preparedness for Copilot integration, addressing crucial aspects such as security, governance, and compliance. Symity’s expert guidance ensures a seamless transition to this innovative AI tool, optimizing the user experience for maximum benefit.

“There are so many predictions, so much hype, about AI,” Lewis cautioned. “But it’s another tool in an existing toolbox – it might change everything, but we need to make sure it’s introduced correctly.”

Beyond the Hype, to Lasting Impact

Once a smooth adoption is achieved, and enterprises start to see what Microsoft Copilot 365 can truly do for them, the transformation is unstoppable, however.

With a staggering 77% of users unwilling to revert to pre-Copilot workflows and top users saving up to ten hours per month, the advantages are clear. As Copilot continues to evolve, its potential to further enhance workplace productivity and satisfaction is boundless.

“From a corporate perspective, giving your workers the latest tools to be productive means they’re going to enjoy their job, and have more time for the important and interesting aspects of it. That’s the really important outcome, beyond the buzzwords, as everyone learns to master it and get the most out of it in their work,” Richard concluded.

For businesses ready to get on board with the AI-powered future of work, partnering with Symity for Microsoft 365 Copilot readiness is the next strategic move towards success.

Symity’s comprehensive readiness assessment ensures that organisations are fully prepared to harness the power of Copilot, transforming their operations and setting a new standard for efficiency and innovation, while raising the efficiency and effectiveness of your whole team.

Take the first step towards a smarter, more collaborative workplace by exploring Symity’s Copilot Readiness Assessment today.

from UC Today