The Biggest Virtual Meeting Faux Pas – UC Today Poll Reveals All

As virtual meetings continue to dominate the modern workspace, navigating these digital interactions with professionalism is crucial.

However, despite our best intentions, particular faux pas can easily slip through the cracks, causing distractions and disruptions that hinder the effectiveness of these meetings.

In a recent poll of UC Today followers on LinkedIn, participants were asked to identify the most egregious virtual meeting faux pas, shedding light on common pitfalls many encounter in the virtual realm.

The results are in, and it appears that one particular blunder reigns supreme: failing to mute one’s microphone. A staggering 50 percent of respondents identified this as the biggest virtual meeting faux pas, highlighting the disruptive nature of background noise and unintended interruptions. Whether barking dogs, noisy traffic, or unexpected side conversations, unmuted microphones can quickly derail a meeting and impede communication.

Coming in second on the list of virtual meeting pet peeves is the act of eating on camera, with 26 percent of participants citing this behaviour as a major faux pas. While virtual meetings offer the convenience of attending from the comfort of one’s own home, indulging in a meal during a video call can be perceived as disrespectful or unprofessional. The sounds of chewing and slurping can distract other participants and detract from the focus of the meeting.

Late arrivals also earned a notable spot on the list, with 20 percent of respondents highlighting this as a significant faux pas. Punctuality is critical to maintaining the flow and productivity of virtual meetings, and tardiness can disrupt schedules and agendas. Whether due to technical difficulties or simply poor time management, arriving late to a virtual meeting can set a negative tone and create unnecessary delays.

Rounding out the list is poor lighting, with five percent of participants identifying this as a virtual meeting faux pas. While often overlooked, inadequate lighting can make it difficult for other participants to see facial expressions and body language, hindering communication and engagement. By ensuring proper lighting setup, participants can enhance their presence in virtual meetings and convey professionalism and attentiveness.

There were also some shout-outs for other meeting faux pas in the comments below our poll, namely asking for a volunteer to take meeting notes (an unenviable task) to which no one replies and the meeting host being the only person with their video turned off.

Virtual meetings have their own set of quirks and faux pas, from the dreaded unmuted microphone symphony to the awkward sight of a colleague chowing down on a sandwich while discussing quarterly reports.

By being mindful of these virtual meeting faux pas and striving for a bit of digital decorum, we can all avoid becoming the stars of our very own Zoom blooper reel. So, let’s mute those microphones, ditch the dining antics, and strive for punctuality and good lighting – because in the wild world of virtual meetings, a little bit of professionalism goes a long way… and saves us from being the subject of tomorrow’s watercooler gossip!


from UC Today

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