Personalizing CX in Microsoft Teams: A How-To Guide

Today’s customers expect more from their interactions with businesses. They don’t just want experiences to be fast and convenient, they also want them to be tailored to their specific needs and preferences.

Studies show that companies that excel at personalization generate up to 40% more revenue than their competitors. Plus, 71% of customers expect consistently personalized interactions. However, it’s not just consumers that demand personalization. Companies embracing new CX strategies also need a personalized approach to ensure they can achieve their goals.

Each business vertical, industry, or sector has unique challenges to overcome. In each landscape, the customer journey has specific compliance and service requirements to be addressed. For companies embracing Microsoft Teams, Service Providers are essential to driving the right results. These are the partners responsible for delivering PSTN connectivity, and adapting Teams to inbound calling use cases, through Direct Routing, Operator Connect, and Teams Phone Mobile.

They’re also the professionals that can offer solutions and add-ons for Teams, that pave the way for the creation of unique, personalized experiences.

Unlocking the Opportunity for CX Personalization in Teams

For many companies, Microsoft Teams represents an exceptional solution for improving productivity, and collaboration in the flexible workplace. The versatile nature of the Teams ecosystem means business leaders can align employees like never before, even bridging the gaps between service agents, subject matter experts, and business leaders, with contact center integrations. Unfortunately, on its own, Microsoft Teams is not as feature rich as the fully-fledged telephony servers offered by communication leaders. It features limited insights and analytics, routing capabilities, and attendant options.

Fortunately, service providers, bundling CRM integrations, rich reporting, real-time performance monitoring, and call insights, with their Direct Routing or Operator Connect offering, can make all the difference.

“Akixi’s Microsoft Teams solutions meet the growing demand for value-added services within Service Provider’ portfolios. By delivering tailored solutions that enhance the Teams experience, service providers can successfully differentiate their offerings and meet the needs of their customers.” – Mike Wilkinson, CP&MO, Akixi

6 key considerations when adding to your value-added services portfolio

Innovative service providers can customize and enhance Teams Calling for customer service leaders, tailoring the ecosystem to the specific needs of each industry or vertical. Let’s explore some examples.

Personalizing CX in Healthcare

Healthcare organizations face several unique challenges, from strict regulatory guidelines to limited funding, making it difficult for them to evolve and adapt to customer preferences. Microsoft Teams, as a “HIPAA-compliant-ready” solution, can be a valuable resource. But business leaders still rely on service providers to overcome their challenges.

For instance, with limited budgets, healthcare organizations need to ensure they can access voice capabilities within Teams via Direct Routing or Operator Connect. They also need to access analytical insights, either through a third-party cloud provider, or their PSTN service provider.

Most importantly, they need to ensure their solutions meet with the regulation criteria set by the authorities, without breaking the bank in terms of budget. Service providers can work with VAs to offer a low-cost, low-touch deployment model for accessing real-time and historical reports in Microsoft Teams to address these issues. They can provide healthcare leaders with valuable insights into patient call volumes, performance trends, and customer data.

“Real-time insights are vital in healthcare, where every moment counts. Akixi’s Microsoft Teams analytics offer sub 1-second reporting, providing healthcare organizations with immediate insight in to critical data. This enables leaders to make informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and deliver high quality CX while maintaining regulatory compliance.” – Michal Podoski, VP Innovation, Akixi

These insights help business leaders better understand customers and call volumes, distribute resources more effectively, and deliver more effective, personalized experiences in often sensitive situations, without excessive initial investment. Plus, they ensure these companies remain compliant with industry regulations.

Personalizing CX in Retail

In the retail landscape, the focus for business leaders is often on finding ways to maximize revenue from customer calls. To do this, companies need to understand the ROI from their sales and marketing campaigns, unlock visibility into the customer journey, and find ways to recapture lost calls.

Service providers offering reporting and analytical tools for Microsoft Teams can give retail vendors the data they need to improve revenue and performance. They can offer insights into phone number utilization and response activity. This gives companies a way to optimize their budget, by showing them which campaigns are truly driving results.

At the same time, granular visibility into customer call journeys offered by both analytical tools and CRM integrations ensures retail leaders can personalize and enhance the customer experience. They can track every touchpoint with customers, and implement intelligent strategies for a more efficient journey, improving customer loyalty and retention rates.

The result is lower operational costs for marketing and sales activities, higher customer lifetime value, and reduced risk of customer churn.

Personalizing CX in the Fast-Food Industry

In a high-pressure environment like the fast-food industry, efficiency is crucial. Businesses need to ensure they’re utilizing their staff and resources effectively, to reduce costs, and increase revenue. They need real-time solutions that adhere to the demands of their customers. After all, every delay in a fast-food experience increases your chances of losing customers.

Visibility into day-to-day calling trends on Teams, offered by service provider integrations can help business leaders optimize staffing levels on a day-to-day basis. When call volumes spike in the fast-food space, service providers can embed tools into Teams that allow companies to measure, benchmark, and continually monitor call response reduces the risk of missed opportunities. Additionally, service providers can give fast food brands the resources they need to validate and optimize their chosen business models, through business consulting.

With granular insights into the customer journey, and the potential pain points consumers face, business leaders can reduce the risk of losing customers, and deliver more bespoke, personalized experiences. Over time, companies can continue to monitor these insights, ensuring they can adapt quickly to changes in customer preferences and trends.

Personalizing CX in Car Dealerships

Like many companies, car dealers in the automotive sector are facing increasing pressure. Manufacturers impose specific call performance expectations on each business they work with. This makes it crucial for business leaders to be able to monitor the performance of their teams, and ensure they’re living up to expectations. At the same time, when navigating shop floors and complex workflows, car dealerships frequently struggle with missing crucial calls. These calls are extremely high in value, and crucial to retaining profits. Service providers who can offer comprehensive visibility into when consumers are calling, and when calls are being missed, can help business leaders to distribute their human resources more effectively, reducing lost opportunities. By integrating analytical tools with Microsoft Teams, providers can even help companies to track high-value sales calls, and ensure that team members are always available. Included CRM integrations

can even help sales leaders customize the conversation for specific customer preferences, improving the chances of higher revenue and conversions.

Personalizing CX in Microsoft Teams

Personalization isn’t just crucial for retaining and converting customers. Business leaders in various sectors and industries also need to ensure the technology they use to serve consumers is personalized to suit their specific needs. Service providers capable of adapting the Teams experience to address the unique challenges each company might face can be valuable partners to any organization.

With the ability to implement low-cost, simple, and effective reporting tools, CRM integrations, and call analytics into Microsoft Teams, service providers can give their clients a much-needed edge in today’s competitive world. They can help companies to increase customer loyalty and improve their relationships with their own clients. Plus, they can unlock additional revenue and value through the sale of VAS.

Discover Akixi’s Microsoft Teams Value-Added Services

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