Calling, emailing, messaging, chatting – however and whenever your customers reach out, they crave a stellar communication experience.

For now, voice remains essential but, in an omnichannel world, the messaging and social media giants such as WhatsApp, Meta, and X are increasingly the way via which particularly younger people are choosing to converse.

For businesses, the ability to interact frictionlessly with those they serve can be the difference between acquiring and retaining customers and losing them to competitors. Historically some organisations have resisted the deployment of any contact centre technology, believing they were somehow not big enough to warrant such an investment. Today, thanks to those ‘anytime, anyhow’ customer communication preferences, that is simply not the case.

Brilliantly, it doesn’t have to be a complex or costly process. All that is needed is a Managed Service Provider partner that has the solutions and the support wrap to ensure a ‘best fit’ outcome.

“Businesses of all types and in all sectors rightly want to provide customers with multiple access points, many have put Microsoft Teams at the heart of their communication ecosystems but also need to integrate contact centre functionality in order to do all of those things well,” says Harriet Smallwood, Sales Specialist Associate at leading Managed Service Provider Daisy Corporate Services, whose range of top-brand, Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS) solutions make it all possible.

“I think voice calling will remain the predominant channel but it’s definitely a generational thing. If younger people are able to interact with their favourite brands via WhatsApp or social media channels, for example, those brands will be increasingly popular. Then there is enabling PCI compliant payments and the potential for AI to help organisations interact better too.

“It’s about being able to add those capabilities to organisations’ communication systems in ways which provide that modern, well-rounded customer and agent experience.”

Against the backdrop of Microsoft Teams’ popularity – particularly in large enterprises and public sector organisations – that seamless integration of efficiency and productivity-boosting CCaaS functionality is critical.

The cloud-powered, unified, and mobile-first nature of business communications means there is often critical network inter-dependency between third-party platforms, tools, and applications. Then there is the AI-powered ability to capture key communication data such as customer sentiment and convert it into intelligent insight that helps boost C-SAT and drive revenue.

In the case of Daisy Corporate Services, knitting it all together effectively delivers huge value to its customers.

“It’s about optimizing how a business communicates, and constantly looking at how processes can get better and better,” says Matt Tancred, Daisy’s Head of Sales Specialists.

“In the past, contact centre agents could speak to just one person at a time, and maybe put them on hold while they search for information. Today, agents are taking calls, looking at multiple chat streams, picking up e-mails. If they are on hold waiting for something, they can be responding to someone else.

Not only is the customer better-served, but agents are feeling empowered because they have the tools to deliver the best possible experience.’’

There’s no question that CCaaS – regardless of its scale, complexity or cost – can transform businesses of all sizes. Once seen as a pure cost with no tangible return on investment, smart contact centre integrations are now significantly influencing the ways in which customers, existing and new, perceive the businesses with which they interact.

Combine those benefits with an ability to enhance agent productivity and efficiency and it’s easy to see why it is now a key driver of revenue and profitability.

To learn more about how Daisy Corporate Services can help your business leverage the benefits of CCaaS, click here.

from UC Today