The contact center has long been shifting from on-premises solutions to the cloud. While the allure of scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency offered by cloud solutions is undeniable, a significant portion of the market remains committed to on-premises or private cloud deployments. This article delves into the reasons behind this persistence and how businesses can navigate this evolving landscape.

The Case for On-Premises

There are three overarching themes in companies not able or wanting to migrate to the cloud:

  1. Data Sovereignty and Security: Companies operating in sensitive environments, such as compliance and finance, may not have the cloud option open to them. Indeed, in some countries, regulations exist preventing them from working in the cloud. On-premises solutions provide unparalleled data ownership, allowing organizations to safeguard sensitive information and comply with regulatory mandates.

For example, China has strict data localization laws and companies are required to store data within the country. In the EU, GDPR imposes strict rules on data transfer outside the EU, especially in industries like healthcare, finance, and government services.

  1. Legacy System Integration: Many businesses rely on legacy systems deeply integrated into their contact center operations. Migrating to the cloud could disrupt these complex workflows and compromise existing customer experiences.
  2. Infrastructure Investment: Substantial investments in hardware and infrastructure often underpin on-premises contact centers. Organizations may be reluctant to abandon these assets, especially if they support critical business functions.

Companies like Bright Pattern offer one solution that offers the same features for both on-premises and cloud environments. Bright Pattern CEO Michael McCloskey explained to UC Today that they run on-prem, private cloud, and public cloud. He added, “What we’ve found more recently is people moving off of some of these legacy providers. They’re still looking for a modern solution.” McCloskey feels that customers want to avoid supporting multiple platforms and Bright Pattern’s single platform approach delivers the ease they are looking for.

Modernizing On-Premises Contact Centers

On-premises is often seen as an outdated solution that requires modernization. However, AI and omnichannel capabilities have brought an advanced approach that aligns with cloud environments. By investing in on-premises solutions that incorporate cutting-edge features, businesses and governmental agencies can maintain control over their data and infrastructure while delivering exceptional customer experiences. The key features required from both cloud and on-premises are:

True Omnichannel: Deliver consistent customer experiences across voice, email, chat, social media, and other channels

AI-Powered Interactions: Leverage AI to enhance agent productivity, improve customer satisfaction, and gain valuable insights from customer interactions

Advanced Analytics: Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), identify trends, and optimize contact center operations

Intelligent Self-Service: Empower customers to resolve issues independently through interactive voice response (IVR) and self-service portals

Selecting the Right Partner

The right approach varies according to the specific needs, resources and priorities of an organization. Clearly, a provider that offers one platform with both a cloud and on-premises approach is the best of both worlds.

Where on-premises is the preferred environment, a partner should ideally:

Prioritize On-Premises Solutions: A vendor with a strong commitment to on-premises solutions is more likely to provide ongoing support and updates

Offer Feature Parity: Ensure that the on-premises platform includes the same capabilities as the cloud-based offering

Demonstrate Commitment to Continued Support: A reliable support system is essential for addressing technical issues and maximizing the platform’s potential.

While the cloud has undeniably transformed the contact center landscape, on-premises solutions remain a requirement for many organizations. By carefully considering their specific needs and selecting the right vendor, businesses can leverage the benefits of both worlds, delivering exceptional customer experiences while maintaining data security and control.

Find out more about Bright Pattern here.

from UC Today