Mitel Integrate Apps for Remote Working


Remote, or Home Working, has been on the lips of many more people since the end of March 2020 as the UK and other countries confronted the realities forced upon us by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Before the Coronavirus outbreak only 1.7 million people worked from home in the UK, this has rapidly shifted to an estimated 20 million.

For a proportion of those facing life working from home this is not a new experience; many employees chose to work at home from time to time and some employers encouraged the practice as they had found being able to achieve a better work/life balance was an attraction that many employees sought.

Employers were also reaping the rewards from seeing overall productivity rise as well as being able to recruit from a wider pool of talent.

However, for a majority of organisations faced with the stark choice of working from home or shutting down their business, the prospect of enabling home working across their company meant turning on a sixpence overnight and hoping for the best.

A successful remote working setup should emulate the normal office environment, delivering the right mix of tools, solutions and processes with unfettered access and a seamless connection with the team, customers and suppliers. Communication should be no different whether employees are based at the office or at home.

According to Mitel’s recent productivity survey employees reportedly spend more than half of the average workday communicating and collaborating. However, respondents noted that, on average, 13% of their day was wasted due to communications inefficiencies. Businesses have an opportunity to lessen the impact of lost productivity by aligning their tools, processes and culture to achieve better results.

MiTeam Meetings is the business-class, cloud-based video conferencing solution offered by Mitel. The service brings together dispersed employees by offering a real-time virtual workspace and meeting environment. As a single cloud application, it hosts all of the MiTeam Meetings features, it is easy and intuitive to transition between chat logs, voice calls and video meetings. This integration also cuts any financial and time costs that can be incurred from having multiple disconnected communications channels.

For many of those organisations that rushed into their home working set ups as a result of COVID-19 they are now finding that the applications they are using are less than perfect for enterprise grade use. Data security and compliance is certainly questionable with many of these ‘retail’ type products. Just as important are the number of applications being used in the set-ups. It’s highly likely that none are integrated with each other which is counterproductive and clumsy at best. Disparate, siloed communications applications and systems can’t help but slow a business down. If the tools the teams are using aren’t integrated to each other, synchronising any useful data or knowledge from one program to another or collaborating can be challenging.

Mitel MiTeam Meetings offers users a smart and integrated solution that leverages the power of the cloud – always available and gives the flexibility you need. Integrated with MiCollab, users can benefit from a single point of access for communications and collaboration and be able to work from anywhere with mobile and web applications. Meaning collaboration no longer ends when a meeting does. Users can return to their group’s workspace, refer to captured notes, review shared documents and even kickoff the next meeting – all from within the same application. Continuous collaboration is freed from the constraints of a place, day or window of time.

To help organisations ensure business continuity in the current unpredictable environment, Mitel is offering a six month free trial of MiTeam Meetings.


from UC Today

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