Were Service Providers Ready for COVID-19?

Spearline UC Today

End-users expect quality voice calls, minimal-to-no interruptions, and for the most part, they want to have a similar experience as they would in the office. This has not often been the case during the novel Coronavirus period, and it’s shown in many instances. Large-scale outages often go unreported until customers make service providers aware there’s a problem, I’m told by experts at Spearline.

It could be because of everyone trying to access telecommunications or broadband services at the same time, or any number of other reasons. I spoke with Spearline CEO and CO-Founder, Kevin Buckley, who told me, in March, there were interruptions and reductions in call quality on a global scale. Spearline reported international telecom connectivity declined in Italy, Spain, France, and Germany.

“We’ve tested call quality, connection, and latency, right down to the contact center. Now that people work from home, we have to start building toward solving new challenges”

April presented a set of new setbacks for service and broadband providers, according to data collected by Spearline. In April 2020 alone, Japan and Russia experienced what Buckley called ‘Significant connection issues,’ while audio quality remained strong. Ecuador and Israel also witnessed both connection and audio quality problems.

Kevin Buckley

Kevin Buckley

He noted, in Japan, there’s been ‘very poor connectivity and high failure rates,’ which peaked on April 22 at nearly seven percent, although audio quality’s remained ‘Remarkably strong,’ according to Buckley. China had an average failure rate of 0.02 percent. The USA maintained strong connection rates and audio quality remains stable, according to the report.  The UK’s experiencing strong performance with failure rates averaging 0.05 percent over the past few weeks.

Recently, the UK experienced a ‘Very strong’ audio quality performance. Canada, Spearline said, had near-perfect performance over the past few weeks with failure instances experiences on April 22. Audio quality’s holding strong, the company noted.

“This has been a significant challenge for every contact center around the world. They are very much team led; driven by call stats, with big screens on the wall that collect data”

For contact center agents to succeed, there need to be fundamental adjustments made. For one, there can be no compromise on connectivity, Buckley told me, continuing: “The quality of communication, as we collaborate is key.” As businesses adapt to work from home environments, the quality of collaboration and communications will impact both productivity and the quality of employee output, Buckley shared.

He further told me, it remains critical that mobile and broadband connectivity continues to support the steady rise in remote workers. Service and network providers have an obligation to do so, and they have to be more proactive – less reactive, he added. Businesses need to ensure that internal infrastructure, such as server configurations, remains in excellent quality I’m told.

Reports of outages usually happen after issues get resolved, and in some instances, they go unreported altogether. If service providers want to provide better user and customer experiences, it would be wise for them to care a bit more about the quality of service and leverage tools that enable them to make real-time service tweaks to enhance CX and UX.

from UC Today https://ift.tt/3es5bU3

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