Microsoft Introduces New Yammer Features

With so much excitement surrounding Microsoft Teams, it’s easy to forget just how valuable Yammer continues to be for people in the Microsoft ecosystem. In the last year, Yammer has been a valuable resource for hosting live events and ensuring collaboration with both internal and external parties in a business. Recently, Microsoft announced 2 significant updates to Yammer for users.

The first update, Yammer Live Insights, offers a way for businesses to track important information about the growing number of events hosted on the Yammer Live Event platform. The other major update is Yammer Guest Access, which supports companies in securely and effectively engaging with third-party vendors, partners, and customers in the digital world.

Yammer Live Event Insights

Yammer Live Events Insights offers companies the information they need to measure engagement and reach when building powerful online events. Event organizers will have access to the Insights dashboard before, during, and after the experience. This ensures they can watch vital stats, such as the number of attendees, conversations, and total views.

With Yammer Live Insights, you can see how many people were present in the event, as well as which segments experienced the best viewership, and how long people spent watching the session. This content is all available in a visual format, so you can make better decisions in the future. Microsoft will even help you to recognise trends in things like the volume of conversations, questions, and reactions generated during the event.

This will be a powerful source of information for companies investing more time into online events, webinars, streaming sessions, and more. The visual data is also excellent for sharing reports with stakeholders and other members of the business community.

Guest Access In Yammer

Companies are increasingly discovering the value of being able to collaborate and communicate with internal and external contacts on the same platform. In December, Microsoft announced its preview for Azure AD b2b guest support in Yammer. Now, the functionality is generally available.

Azure Active Directory B2B allows you to share your venture’s services and applications with guests from various organisations while maintaining data privacy and security. If your Yammer network was provisioned after December 15th, 2020, the Guest Access offering will always be available by default. You can also turn the function on within the Yammer Admin centre, under Security Settings.

Guest access through Azure will deliver robust permission policies to admins who want to control access to various tools, data, and where people can invite guests from. Guests can be added to Yammer communities based on admin policy, and companies can maintain external collaboration within European networks, without worrying about privacy issues.

Microsoft promises parity between Yammer communities across all devices, and guests will also have access to community resources, like SharePoint files. Admins can review memberships for guests and remove access within Azure AD too.



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