Many enterprises use the SIP, text and emergency call routing services provided as a bundle through their Unified-Communications-as-a-Service (UCaaS) and Contact-Centre-as-a-Service (CCaaS) platforms.  

But for some businesses, going with the “bundled” seat-based model means you are saying “sayonara” to cost-savings, cloud migration expertise, and the ability to future-proof your enterprise communications for the ultimate ROI. 

The UCaaS & CCaaS platforms have in most cases formalised an option for BYOC to allow large and complex enterprises to solve this need.  Microsoft has popularised its ‘Direct Routing’ options. RingCentral just announced its own BYOC program in partnership with Bandwidth. Zoom Phone opens BYOC up globally via carrier peering, and Genesys Cloud CX prides itself on being “open” for enterprises to bring their carrier with them.  

Here’s why we think you might want to consider BYOC to consolidate and align your telecoms powering your UCaaS and CCaaS in 2022 and beyond: 

Why are enterprises choosing to bring their own carriers?  

Through a model known as Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC), you can consolidate UCaaS and CCaaS telephony with a global carrier — all to deliver best-in-breed customer and employee experiences. 

  • Simplify your vendor management 

By consolidating the telecom from your UCaaS & CCaaS with one vendor like Bandwidth, you’ll gain a single carrier point of contact across all of your communications solutions. In addition, some cloud carriers like Bandwidth give you global reach in 60+ countries, so you can eliminate the need to manage multiple regional telecom providers where you have offices around the world. 

  • Future-proof your communications 

When you Bring Your Own Carrier to your UCaaS and CCaaS platforms, those phone numbers stay with a cloud carrier like Bandwidth. This makes porting quicker and easier in case you decide to change or add platforms in the future.  

Pro tip: With a universal platform, like Bandwidth, consolidating vendors gives you a path to integrate everything your organisation needs — from artificial intelligence to anti-fraud authentication and beyond.  

  • Gain a direct line to quality troubleshooting 

Getting your communications directly from a cloud-native carrier gives you access to an entire team of people dedicated to migrating you to the cloud, fixing quality issues if they arise, and managing your voice, numbers, and emergency services with ease.  

Without this, your ability to get support is limited to opening tickets with the UCaaS & CCaaS platforms themselves and waiting for them to swivel chair to the underlying carriers powering their platforms. This increases downtime and adds to the disruption in your contact centre and unified communications services, which can impact your bottom line and customer sentiment.  

  • Only pay for what you use 

Traditional calling plans give you a finite number of seats and minutes, which are ideal for small to medium-sized businesses. But for larger enterprises with global communications needs, this model isn’t scalable.  

When you use BYOC for multiple parts of your business communications, you can achieve competitive pricing through usage or volume-based discounts.  

  • Deliver ROI across your organisation 

The possibility of removing on-prem equipment and consolidating comms in the cloud allows organisations to move away from sunk investments like SBCs to operating expenses that tie back into your bottom line.   

One way to achieve this is to outsource traditionally on-premised hardware like SBCs with a cloud carrier, turning them into a monthly operating expense that can be scaled up or down, rather than maintaining and updating this equipment. Over time, outsourcing your telecom management can improve your bottom line, all while giving your team time to focus on mission-critical tasks.  

Take control of your enterprise telephony 

Unbundling your telephony through BYOC is becoming more and more popular for large organisations around the world. From simpler vendor management to less expensive communications, the move to a universal cloud carrier gives you future-proof cloud communications for wherever your business takes you. 

Learn more about unbundling your telecom vendors.



from UC Today