How Xarios Gives Mitel Telecom Resellers an Unfair Advantage Against Pure-Cloud UC Vendors

“Assumption is the mother of all cockups”. But assumption is easy when it comes to Cloud-based Unified Communications. 

Cloud is the Zeitgeist. With the Cloud’s success during the Pandemic, why would resellers not propose anything but a pure cloud unified communications solution? It’s an easy sell: subscription billing without capital expenditure.  

The UC challenge for businesses with installed PBXs and handsets

As Xarios CEO, Robin Russell explains, “There’s no denying the advantages of Unified Communications over the cloud. But for some businesses replacing good handsets at £200 apiece removes the attractive ROI.” 

Further, a pure Cloud UC solution can lack some basic advanced telephony features. As Russell points out “with some VoIP handsets, buttons fail to light up and DSS keys, if they are present, are not programmable.” 

Further, implementing an entirely new telephone system can mean stopping business for a few days. Staff need retraining. Only slowly do they become familiar with the new cloud system and using different UC handsets.  

Cloud Unified Communications without discarding handsets

The good news is that hybrid and flexible solutions exist for businesses with recently bought Mitel (and other branded) handsets.  

Mitel resellers concerned about selling and implementing customers’ UC cloud migrations should consider Xarios.  

Xarios’s Dimension Voice is a fully featured UC Communications platform. It enables Mitel resellers to migrate their customers to the cloud, without necessarily having to replace customers’ handsets or PBXs.  

With Xarios’s reseller focus and deep knowledge of Mitel, resellers can customise their migrations.   Crucially, end users can have the same telephony experience with the Dimensions Voice as they had before.

Xarios Makes Resellers’ Businesses More Valuable 

Unlike many vendors, Xarios is reseller focused. It offers resellers flexible contractual and billing terms. Reseller contracts start from 30 days rolling. Resellers are then free to create their own contractual arrangements with their customers.  Resellers’ businesses can then become more valuable.  

Advantages of Xarios’s Dimension Voice UC Platform

Dimensions Voice provides end users with a full suite of collaboration features, from video, a full range of advanced telephony features and messaging, together with integration with Microsoft Teams.   

In summary, Xarios can: – 

  • Help resellers migrate their customers to the Cloud gradually, without disruption
  • Allow end users to retain their original Mitel handsets. No familiarisation issues
  • Provide a white labelled fully featured UC platform for their resellers
  • Give resellers the value-enhancing customer billing relationship

As Russell points out, “the way we are engineered allows us to migrate Mitel much more easily. That means more familiarity for the end user.”  

He continues “It’s like driving a different, faster car. The engine has a turbo. But the driver finds the gear stick and steering wheel work in the same way as they always have done.”  

Customers can also use their existing headsets and even their own PBX.

“They still get all the advantages of cloud collaboration, but without the negatives,” says Russell. “The return on investment happens on day 1”  

I think that’s something we can all safely assume.  

Learn more about Dimensions Voice Here.  



from UC Today

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