Real-time Call Reporting: Dynamic Platform Improves Customer Experience

If interactions with customers somehow go a little wrong, they are quick to react. 

Within moments of a sub-optimal experience taking place, businesses can find themselves unfairly pilloried on social media – often before they are even aware that there might be an issue. 

It is a modern phenomenon which underlines just how vital it is to deliver a brilliant service. 

And it highlights how frontline, customer-facing employees often have just one chance of saying the right thing. 

When things move THAT fast, organisations must react quickly to ensure their customers feel valued every step of the way. 

In the context of phone interactions, that means real-time call monitoring, recording and advanced analytics are the latest must-haves. 

“It used to be the case that call centre managers wandered around the room trying to get a sense that all was well simply by listening to one-sided conversations – today, we are in an entirely different place,” says Daniel Kitchen, UCaaS Product Manager at leading UK telecoms infrastructure provider Neos Networks, whose own real-time UCaaS Call Recording solution is helping to change the game.  

“Today, those same call centre managers are able to configure the solution to send them real-time alerts if a customer conversation begins to go awry, such as a call going over a specific duration or a premium rate number being dialled. 

“They are then able to intervene immediately if required.” 

The Neos Networks solution also allows for the review of unlimited recorded calls; produces customisable reports; and analyses the sentiment of calls – using a number of techniques including Natural Language Processing, machine learning, artificial intelligence and lexicons in order to judge the overall quality of calls, identify any transgressions that may have occurred during the call, and give scores. 

Those scores can be used to performance-manage staff in the drive for continuous improvement.  

“Ultimately, customer satisfaction is vitally important to driving long-term growth. That makes real-time call monitoring and recording as important as it gets.” 

The solution is the modern iteration of call centre wallboards; providing users with comprehensive call data via any connected device, anywhere.  

But it is also rich in additional functionality and delivers a much more wide-ranging return on investment. 

“The ‘anytime, anywhere’ aspect of the solution is really important in the context of staff and managers often working from home,” says Adrian Massey, Neos Networks Solutions Consultant. 

“The ability to review recorded calls enables managers to drill down into the performance of particular call handlers and to address particular issues. 

“Deploying lexicon learning to listen out for key words used in a conversation not only enables a manager to be alerted if negative language is being used, it can also support a tangible means of measuring, for example, the performance of a particular marketing campaign by enabling a transcript search for specific words, events or competitors’ names.  

“The quality of customer calls is super-important for organisations – being able to review their scores makes it easier to obtain a holistic view of performance. 

“If performance is below what is required, organisations can take the appropriate action swiftly” 

Among many functions, the solution can be configured to spot premium number dialling, calls continuing for too long, long call waiting times, high call volumes and fraudulent activity; all in real time. 

All of that can aid workforce training, increase productivity and support resource planning. 

“It helps managers correct, train and reward in real-time, and sends out the message to call handlers that their manager is invested in their performance and is able to act in their support if they suffer abuse, such as swearing, during a call,” says Kitchen. 

“PCI breaches are also flagged up, ensuring regulatory compliance.” 

Not a magic wand, of course. 

But, as with many aspects of running a successful enterprise, having effective tools at your disposal to improve the way you work can be a significant differentiator. 

“The solution gives users the platform upon which to drive up productivity, efficiency and customer satisfaction,” adds Massey. 

“It’s about being on the front foot and creating and maintaining good relationships; both inside and outside your organisation” 

To learn more about how Neos Networks can help your business improve call management processes, visit 


from UC Today

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