“Cloud” is one of the most transformative innovations to occur over the last 25 years and will impact the Communications market significantly.

But the common misconception of one size, or one cloud in this instance, fits all business, definitely does not ring true when it comes to meeting the communications needs of organisations the world over, and will remain true for the foreseeable future. There is a huge amount of focus on the UCaaS segment of the Unified Communication market, because it is new, high growth from a smaller base, and shows great potential.  While it’s good to evaluate new technology innovations, the reality is that the non-UCaaS segment of the global UC market dwarfs the UCaaS segment today, and will continue to do so for years to come, as over $50bn currently and Non-UCaaS will still be over 50% of the market in 2026.

That means many organisations will continue to demand and modernise UC solutions and ongoing support over the next decade. Furthermore, for many customers, over any medium-term forecasting period, UCaaS may not be a viable option for security, survivability, governance, compliance, and other legal or country-specific reasons. This is especially true in highly regulated industries like healthcare and government. So, when you zoom out to take in the full picture, it becomes crystal clear that flexibility and choice is what is needed most.

Adaptable Solutions

Mitel truly is about offering choice to the customer, and the partner. Mitel’s portfolio of UC products meet communication needs across varying segments and verticals across all different countries and regions. These products are available in any way that customers prefer to buy them, be it CAPEX or subscription, and support all relevant deployment routes through a complete range of public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud and on-premises deployment options.

Focusing on the large Non-UCaaS segment offers huge potential. Almost no vendors are currently prioritising this large segment. Further, the customer profile here typically will be aligned with larger and richer communication solutions, supporting adjacent IT and Connectivity solutions, and services businesses.

Investing in Innovation

“As Mitel invests in innovation across our UC portfolio, we are focused on leading the industry forward by modernising the UC experience for every customer,” said Rob Dalgety, Mitel Field Marketing Director. “This is a unique and differentiated approach in the market that has been validated by UC industry analysts and experts.”

“Again, while UCaaS is just one flavour of business communications, it is a new and growing segment of the UC market. To complete our portfolio, Mitel has a strategic partnership with the market leader in UCaaS, RingCentral, to ensure Mitel has the best end-to-end set of offerings for customers wherever they are in their communications journey.”

“If current or new customer needs can be best supported by UCaaS then that pathway can be offered to the industry’s best UCaaS solution. There are a range of technical and commercial assets and processes to enable that path.”

Effective Support

“In a market where there are two distinct solution segments, directly supporting UC and partnering for UCaaS is a savvy play,” added Dalgety.

“At the end of the day, Mitel offers flexibility and choice: the best UC and the best UCaaS solutions are available for customers.  That’s a very compelling value proposition for Mitel customers and great for global partners.”

Dalgety went on to say, “Mitel’s partner-centric go-to-market model reinforces meeting customer needs. Our partners act as trusted advisors, typically advising on a specific solution for each customer’s unique needs and will provide an actionable path for the best way forward. Mitel’s partner model brings trusted expertise to the table, ensuring better decisions are made including the best route forward be that route UC, UCaaS or some evolution of UC to UCaaS. The dual UC and UCaaS play also allows the channel to prosper: meeting customer needs by delivering UC solutions with rich adjacent solutions, upgrading an existing UC solution, evolving a customer estate to UCaaS, or delivering UCaaS immediately if that is the need. Again, all the bases are covered.”

“Neither one size — or one cloud — fits all customer scenarios and that is precisely why Mitel’s go-to-market approach is designed with ultimate flexibility and choice in mind.”

For more information, visit Mitel’s website.


from UC Today https://ift.tt/EblfHW1