Around 97% of employees in total now want some form of remote work. Some want to work entirely from the comfort of their own homes, while others like the idea of spreading work between home and the office.

Whether you’re looking at hybrid employment opportunities or increasing your remote workforce, every business has at least some need for work from home tech today.

From the video cameras and personal speakerphones capable of empowering modern team members to the UCaaS solutions capable of acting as modern work hubs, there are several investments for business leaders to consider. The shopping list you choose for your team will depend on the kind of workforce you’re building, but flexibility will be key to success.

Here’s why you should be investing in work-from-home tech in 2022.

1. Demand for Remote Work Continues to Increase

According to recent studies, about 25% of professional jobs in America will be remote by the end of 2022, and opportunities will only continue to increase in the years ahead. While the pandemic necessitated the shift to remote work, the demand isn’t going to decrease in a post-pandemic environment. Studies everywhere show a rising need for flexible opportunities.

Ultimately, remote work provides team members with the work/life balance they need to really thrive in their careers. At the same time, it helps companies to remain compliant with changing healthcare regulations without compromising on business continuity.

Having a strategy in place for remote work now ensures your business can take advantage of new workplace trends as they emerge. However, it’s also a key facet of ensuring your business has a solution for business continuity in place, regardless of what might happen to the workplace.

2. Remote Work Reduces Costs

Budget will always be an important factor for any business to consider when implementing new technology and working strategies. Although the initial shift to remote work and investing in EX-friendly technology might be costly, it definitely pays off in the long term.

While you may need to invest in things like cameras and flexible cloud-based UCaaS and CCaaS technology, you can save money on a range of other expenses. Teams will need to spend less money on commuting to work and various service locations. You can also save on the expenses of maintaining a physical office or work environment.

61% of employees also say they’d be willing to take a reduced amount of pay to continue working remotely. This could mean you also save money on getting the talent you need too.

3. Better Team Performance

Investing in work from home technology ensures you can empower your team members to perform effectively from any environment. According to studies, around 90% of part-time or full-time remote workers say they’re more productive or just as productive when working remotely.

Around 84% of employees also believe working remotely makes them happier, which can directly impact workplace outcomes. With the right technology, you can provide your teams with everything they need to focus on the tasks they need to accomplish wherever they are, without distractions common to the standard office.

Notably, the ability to work remotely can also be a fantastic source of motivation for your team too, keeping them engaged at work. With a reduced risk of illness being spread in the office, you can also reduce the risk of absenteeism, leading to productivity problems.

4. Access to a Wider Range of Professionals

The changing workplace in the last couple of years and the challenges of the pandemic have prompted more people to reconsider what they really want from their careers. Increasingly, business leaders are struggling to hold onto their key staff members in the age of the Great Resignation as more people search for new, more flexible opportunities.

Offering remote working opportunities is a great way to attract the kind of talented professionals you want for your team, particularly among younger generations. At the same time, work from home technology will ensure you can potentially find employees from all around the world to join your team. This means you get a much wider talent pool.

With tools for collaboration and communication helping to connect staff members worldwide, a dispersed workforce can be more productive than ever.

5. Improved Employee Wellbeing

Employee wellbeing and overall experience are focus areas gaining increasing attention in recent years. Since the pandemic, in particular, companies have been focusing more heavily on the importance of keeping staff members happy and healthy.

With work from home tools, companies can allow their employees more scope to work remotely for the benefit of their physical and mental health. This reduces absenteeism and even allows people to continue working when they might be exposed to infectious illnesses.

A greater focus on employee wellbeing also ensures you can earn more loyalty from the employees you need in your team. When your staff sees you’re willing to invest in their wellness, they’re more likely to stick with your business in the long-term.

6. Enhanced Employer Brand

Increasingly, customers are looking at the full identity of a company and the efforts it invests in when deciding who to work with. With access to work from home tools, you can build an employer brand capable of attracting both staff members and customers.

Work from home technology and a strong remote working strategy can pave the foundation for a more innovative workplace. You can interact with everything from XR to IoT and artificial intelligence to bring your teams together, making your company appear more forward-thinking and modern. You’ll also be able to double down on initiatives important to your community.

For instance, investing in remote work opportunities means reducing your carbon footprint and improving your company’s impact on the environment. As technology becomes increasingly available to empower the remote workforce, there’s no excuse for most companies not to consider the benefits of remote and flexible working.


from UC Today