One-third of UCaaS sales are set to be transacted via marketplaces later this decade, according to Canalys Chief Analyst, Jay McBain. 

McBain talked through how the unified communications industry will transform across all facets – from technology, to partner programmes, to buying habits.  

“We’ve talked in the past about the vast growth of marketplaces and how the money changes hands is changing,” he said.  

“We think that about one-third of UCaaS will go through marketplaces this decade, one-third will go direct, and one-third will go in-direct.  

“They are very different numbers than we have today, so the flow of money is changing.”  

This is against a backdrop of changing dynamics, with UCaaS solutions not always being procured centrally in businesses. 

McBain said that individual departments are increasingly buying collaboration platforms, typically purchasing seven layers around UCaaS to power the overall solution. 

He said that this would create opportunities for partners, albeit not in the traditional resell sense. 

“Marketplaces aren’t replacing, for example, a distributor,” he explained. 

“What they do is open up opportunities before, during and after the point of sale. This can all be orchestrated through marketplaces.” 



from UC Today